So... I have a ton of videos and pictures on my computer that I wanted to post. It was so much fun going through these old pictures. The oldest can't be more than four years old but I feel like I have gone through a lot of different phases since then. You judge. They aren't in chronological order or anything. I guess these pictures are a lot more fun for me to look at because I know the story behind all of them. Great times...great times!
The only true love of my life. Bentley Tyson Jackson III.

The day I bought Bentley.

Around my 21st birthday.

May 2006

August 2004?

Summer 2006

Summer 2006

Aug 2004

March 2006

Me & Marissa

Zac & I in a limo from San Marcos to Austin a few weeks before I moved to Utah

River trip. Being dorks and taking the most unattractive pictures we could think of.


A little cooking party.

My First & Probably last experience with Karaoke.

Last Fall. @ Jade's house for a fondue party.

Martiza's 22nd birthday.

Travis & I days before I moved up here.

When my old best friend Matthias came to visit me. November 2005.

The famous, " It looks like you just got pulled over" picture.

My best friend Candice Marie -Christmas 2005

Iris and I at Chili's in 2004

A few weeks after moving to Utah. My first official Utah Utes T-shirt!

Day 1 of being in Utah. In my dorm room.

All Academy Military Ball

The following four videos are from when I lived in Texas City. One of them is of my baby Bentley Tyson Jackson III, the sweetest purebred pitbull you ever did see and then three of them are of a very weird night with the girl I have been friends with the longest, Amy. I love her and I don't care what our ages are we will always act so immature and silly when we are together!
So I gotta say, I felt a *tiny* bit awkward scrolling through old photos of someone I haven't actually met in person, but since we have sort of a mutual stalking arrangement I suppose it's alright. :) Fun post. I love looking back at my life from years ago. Some things I miss, some things I'm so glad have changed.