Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More Music

This is a recent favorite of mine. Anything that involves classical music with modern punk or pop usually gets my attention. Plus, the lead singers are twins. How fun is that? Plus, I am a sucker for the chorus.

I just can't resist you
It's not enough to say that I miss you
I feel so untouched right now
Need you so much somehow
I can't forget you
I've gone crazy from the moment I met you

Enjoy. The Veronicas. Untouched.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Wish Me Luck!!


I have decided to undergo a new challenge. In the name of trying new things I have decided to go vegan/vegetarian for the WHOLE* month of November.

I think the idea is to start off vegan but if it gets inconvenient to go vegetarian. I have enlisted the help of a very handsome guy who is amazing at motivating me and is one of my best friends in the whole entire world to help me through this difficult time. This man would be my little wittle brudder who isn't so wittle anymore. He lived in California for two whole years and always wanted to try it out. I think he was originally thinking a week but when I called and enlisted his support he without a beat was on board for the whole* month. His girlfriend is even on board for a week! Way to be a good sport! Now, I know you are all wondering how this Texas girl who loves her steak still bleeding is going to go vegetarian. Well, like I said... it is only for a month* and I fully intend on eating a full cow when I am done! I just thought it would be cool to try. I want to see how much self control I really have and if it really is that great. So... here's to self control and saving a cow in the month of November....though the Turkey better still watch out!

* Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the whole year! I fully intend on breaking my lifestyle on Thanksgiving and seeing as my birthday is the day after Thanksgiving and I will probably go out to celebrate I think I will be done with Vegetarianism. I also reserve the right to break my lifestyle one or two other times in the month. This isn't going to be hard core...just something to do. Because I am going to take a few days I have also given my brother four free days.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Will The Real Sarah Palin Please Stand Up

Wow... So I saw this on Michelle's blog last night (this morning) when I got home and was thinking about it again and just had to watch it. I don't really know how I feel about this skit. It is the real Sarah Palin. One side of me is wondering what someone in her situation is doing going along with this skit and the other side of my just thinks she is that much cooler for not taking herself too seriously. Either way the fact of the matter is this is just too freaking funny not to share. Enjoy.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Four AM rants

Yes, it is 4am and I have not yet been to bed. I am not really even tired either. Boo. :( Just some quick thoughts though.

  • I missed the Thriving Ivory concert tonight and I am a little bitter about that. I heard they were absolutely amazing.
  • The Utes won again today! 8-0 baby! My fear is that we will go undefeated all season and then lose to BYU thus making us ineligible for a BCS game even though we definitely have a bowl game now!
  • It really is inconvenient trying to live in two states. The bowl game better be before or after I leave for my Texas visit. Taking that much time off work just for a holiday seems annoying. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if my family moved to Utah. Texas is LAME right now and I have no desire to be there.
  • Is it possible to have great self confidence but horrible self esteem? The difference being that you know you are awesome but you don't think anyone else knows you are awesome.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Living the Dream

I really must admit I am, "living the dream" right now. Someone asked me a week or two ago how life in Salt Lake City was and I replied that I could not imagine it to be more perfect than it is now. While I am constantly busy and exhausted I have had some pretty awesome adventures. Just look at all I have done in the past ten days alone!! My whole life is like that!

I forgot to mention that I went to the Weezer concert on Tuesday. I must admit I was really disappointed in their performance but it was fun to see them all the same. I even bought a pretty cool t-shirt!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday night my parents flew into the Salt Lake City airport and I got to go pick them up. It was a very eventful night to say the least. The best part of it was getting to eat Korean food for the second time. I went on a date a few weeks ago with a guy who lived in Korea for a bit so he took me to eat Korean food. I was in love with it and wondered why I had never been sooner!! I was friends with a Korean girl my first semester up here in Salt Lake and we always had plans to go eat but never did. It was wonderful. My sister Marie drove down from Idaho and got here late Wednesday night....just in time for her birthday.

Thursday was the birthday celebration. My parents both have their birthdays at the end of October just a day apart and since I would not be able to do anything for them I decided to have an eventful day. An expensive, completely paid for by me, day. We woke up on Thursday and kind of hung out around the house for a bit. I had to leave for about two hours to get my license and my registration but when I came back we went to lunch. After lunch I kept asking my family if they were jazzed for that night's surprise. My dad immediately made fun of me and said only Utah people used the word jazzed because of the Utah Jazz basketball team. As soon as he said Utah Jazz my sister Marie gagged and said "lame....utah jazz. booo" I kept telling them to be jazzed for that night. They didn't seem too jazzed. For dinner we rode trax down to Sandy and ate at a restaurant called the Mayan. They have divers and a performance every few minutes and it is a pretty neat atmosphere. There was one girl who was a crazy insane diver and it was the most fun to watch her do her tricks, especially from way up high. The other divers dove from pretty low levels but it was still entertaining to watch.

After dinner we hopped back on Trax and I told my family we were going downtown for a surprise. My dad asked if we were going to a museam. I said it was a type of museam. When my dad asked if it was arts, science, or entertainment I said it was a mixture of all three. We finally get off at our stop and I tell them to cross the street. There were a lot of people going into the Energy Solutions Areana (formerly known as the Delta Center) and I was like wow... I wonder what is going on there....let's go check it out. So my family starts to follow me and my sister is wondering what is going on. She then starts freaking out thinking I am taking them to a concert. As she looks at the marquee she sees the name Niel Diamond and is not pleased. Neither of my parents wanted to see Niel Diamond and neither did she. I hand them their tickets and she notices it says Utah Jazz on it. She gets a little more excited but you could tell they definitely weren't "jazzed". They humbly comply seeing how excited I am though. As the man scans the tickets and then proceeds to tell my sister that she is sitting in the suite level and how to get there. My sister did a double take and was like...SUITE?! what? she then looks at me and is shocked. She repeated the words suite a few times before she finally believed both the scanner man and me. My parents were pleasently surprised.
I have to be honest in saying that I am the one who is most into sports in my family. I love them. My mom would probably be next on the list. Despite that fact everyone enjoyed the game. As I walked in I told everyone to watch for Kyle Korver, my boyfriend. Two minutes into the game my mom was already cheering for him leaning over to tell me, "your boyfriend is GOOD!!!" and booing for the opposing team. Let me tell you, my family was DEFINITELY JAZZED by the end of the night!!!

The best part of the whole night besides my sister being completely shocked I scored suite tickets was when we were walking to our seats and the Jazz Bear was outside our suite. I asked to take a picture with him and my dad adamantly refused saying he was a Rocket's fan. The bear CLOBBERED my dad and would not let go of him!!!! My dad the whole time was trying to push off the bear and kept saying I'M A ROCKETS FAN! GO ROCKETS! I got the best picture of it and until the day I die this picture will be up in my house. It has to be one of my all time favorites of my dad. Enjoy.

The jazz bear was holding my hand as if we were dancing. I love him as well.

Oh Heavens

Where do I even begin to start? I really hope this isn't a long blog. I was told about four days ago that I needed to update but I just have not had the time. I have been busy and then my parents flew in on Wednesday and I have been entertaining them ever since. I apologize. There might be several posts over the next few days. OK...let's get started shall we?

I am grateful for wonderful friends. My friend Sasha and I went to lunch the other day and I absolutely loved it. I love when I get to go to lunch with Shanna or Kens or Matt or any of my good friends. Going to lunch breaks up the day and seeing a great friend makes it that much better. As Sasha was telling me all about his girl troubles he interrupted himself for a second and mentioned that I was such a de-stressor in his life. He said he felt really comfortable around me and never felt judged. I have thought about this comment a lot since then. I don't think I am a de-stressor to everyone. My parents tend to be stressors to me and in turn I know I was a definite stressor on them that very same day when they flew in....but it is good to know I am de-stressor to some people. My goal is to eventually be a de-stressor to everyone! It was a great compliment and I am going to try and live worthy of it.

After my post about Logan I decided I needed to order the last three seasons of Gilmore Girls where he makes his appearances. It has taken me four very long nights of fast forwarding through the boring parts but I am finally done with the first season he appears in. UGH! Seriously, you are more than welcome to make fun of me becuase I am totally smitten with him. Why can't I live in the fictional world? Hmm.... one season down...two more to go. OK so I don't love Logan but I am smitten with him. Besides....I think it is impossible for me to ever love someone so .... a girls gotta have someone right?

Another quick note. I got my Utah driver's license on Thursday!!!! WOW! I can't believe it! I finally gave in. It was time. I tried to register my car as well but there were problems there. That will come shortly. I feel so official in Utah now. There are still times when people will mention a city or an area and I will have no clue where that is but for the most part I really feel like Utah is home. Sometimes I feel like I have lived here my whole life. As I was playing hostess to my parents I was driving them all around the city and taking them to different places and suddenly as I took a short cut and then hopped onto I-80 to bypass some traffic I realized this was home. I flashed back to January 2, 2007 when my old roommate Amber and her boyfriend Adam picked me up from the airport. My eyes were red and I am sure I had black tear stains on my face from mascarra. I had cried the whole plane ride home because I didn't know what I was doing in Utah. My whole life was in Texas. My friends were there, my family was there, my memories were there....and I had nothing in Utah. I had no friends other than my roommates and their boyfriends and I had no clue how to go anywhere that was not on campus. Going home to Texas and being able to navigate through all of Houston and the surrounding area and seeing friends made me wonder what I was doing in Salt Lake. As Adam took I-80 home from the airport back to mine and Amber's apartment I started to cry again. I had no clue where we were and I felt horrible. And now here I am....almost two years later and I made it. I have friends, I know my way around the city, I have a great job with great co workers and I basically have another family. (though they will never replace my own family) I feel more at home here than I do anywhere else.

This is home.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Amazing Weekend

There are so many things to blog about. Just some highlights.

The Utes barely pulling a win against Oregon State last night. Louie Sakoda is my boyfriend. What an amazing kick he pulled the last TWO SECONDS of the game to break the tie and give us a victory! College football is amazing. Even more amazing is getting to spend the game with girls.

Today at work I was exhausted and definitely not dressed to impress. We were sponsoring a concert for a charity and LeAnn Rimes was the singer. I had decided not to go but a coworker at the last minute asked me to go with her. Her date had a family emergency come up. So... I got to work until 5:30 finishing up a project and then went to the dinner and then on to the concert. I am so glad I went! She did an awesome job! After she left she came back on for an encore and sang two more songs. The last one was Amazing Grace. I cried. That is what I call a great concert! I felt happy during some songs, like a rock start at other songs, sad/in love at other songs and finally spiritual and grateful for God on the very last one!

As we got to our seats (row 15) we were kind of early. A man and his "posse" politely excused himself in front of me while trying to shimmy past me. The rows are not wide at all. I stood up, let him pass and realized I knew him. I couldn't quite place it. He sat down a few chairs over from me and the lady next to me asked me who that was. I responded I didn't know. She was like... I feel like I am supposed to know him. At that moment I knew who it was. She immediately said... I think I have seen him on TV and when she said that it solidified my thought. It was Robert D. Hales. I felt a little celebrity sticken to be quite shamefully honest. Excuse me Mr. Hales...shouldn't you be getting your shut eye for conference tomorrow? I guess not. The concert started at 8 and got out at 9:30. Besides singnig a song about women needing a good friend and a glass of wine nothing at all was inappropriate. It is funny how I scrutinzed the event once I knew a religious leader was there. Good to know I am partaking of good clean entertainment! HaHa. On the train ride home I happened to stand next to him as well. He and his wife were so adorable. Everyone was packed in and one person got up to let them sit down but they stayed standing. They shared ONE hand thing (you know the handles at the top that you hold on to?) and he said it was like they were young and dating again. Really cute. Anyway....that's my weekend. I guess I should go to bed because after the game I partied and I haven't slept. I am tired! I hope your weekend is as amazing as mine has already been!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I am In Love. Completely in Love

With whom you ask? Well there is just one little problem.... he doesn't really exist. But...with...him.

No. Not with him specifically but with the character he played on Gilmore Girls. Didn't that end like two seasons ago you ask? Yes. But I religiously watch the reruns if I am home and we just got to the season where Logan makes his appearances. He steals my heart everytime. Ugh. Mr. Darcy and Logan Huntsberger are the only people who have stolen my heart since I was born (besides Trey in pre-k but seriously. A 4 year old who dresses HIMSELF?!? That is irresistable to another 4 year old).

Sure I have feigned attraction on several occasions and love on two others but let's be honest. The only men who have ever had my heart are Mr. Darcy and Logan. Oh how I wish I lived in fantasy land on a more regular basis than I do. Please don't mind me.I am going to go to bed and dream of men that don't exist.