Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Busted Lip

For those of you who were wondering....don't lean forward in your chairs on two's just not safe.
The tooth went through my chin.
It is cut all along the inside between my two fingers and cut super deep where you see the purple

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Happy President's Day!


As most of you know I flew out to Maryland/DC/Virginia for a little four day weekend. It was super nice to take a vacation. It would have been nice to go for a longer time and get to see and do more things but I guess you take what you can get, right? are a few pictures from my adventure.

The Hope Diamond. All I can say is I HOPE I get a DIAMOND as big as that one day!!! ;-0

Future home of Mitt Romney? I dunno.....It was soooo pretty! I want to be president just so I can live there!

Me in front of my ELEPHANT!! Smithsonian museaum.

Happy Birthday Mr. Lincoln! See the birthday balloon for him? IT was a neat experience to be there for president's day! This was probably my favorite part of the whole thing. I really liked reading the speaches he wrote that are engraved on the walls. The monument is just larger than life. It was amazing!

The reflection pool/water thingy in front of the capital building had frozen over so I was skating on it! Here I am taking a picture on it. Goes to show......I can walk on water........FROZEN water........but water! haha. Although in this picture I am just sitting on it. This is probably my favorite picture!

Ummm so apparently skating was prohibited. Whoops!

Westpoint vs. Navy girls basketball game
Most of the buildings at the Naval Academy have the seal on them. I think it looks pretty cool!
View from on campus. AMAZING! I am jealous!

Arlington National Cemetery

Changing of the guard.

Well......I am sure that you all have seen most of this before but this was my first time. I wanted to write it down because I Was get over it!!!