No. Not with him specifically but with the character he played on Gilmore Girls. Didn't that end like two seasons ago you ask? Yes. But I religiously watch the reruns if I am home and we just got to the season where Logan makes his appearances. He steals my heart everytime. Ugh. Mr. Darcy and Logan Huntsberger are the only people who have stolen my heart since I was born (besides Trey in pre-k but seriously. A 4 year old who dresses HIMSELF?!? That is irresistable to another 4 year old).
Sure I have feigned attraction on several occasions and love on two others but let's be honest. The only men who have ever had my heart are Mr. Darcy and Logan. Oh how I wish I lived in fantasy land on a more regular basis than I do. Please don't mind me.I am going to go to bed and dream of men that don't exist.
Per your last sentence: basically my favorite pastime.