Friday, November 07, 2008

Displaced Anger?

You know when you hear about the proverbial man who had a bad day at work then goes home and kicks his cat? Well... it is a classic example of displaced anger. You are mad at one person and you take it out on someone/something else. I really think that is silly. If you are upset about something then take it out on the correct person. I know it isn't always easy or black and white but this is my blog and so I want to blog about something that is bothering me right now, mostly because I can't wrap my head around it.

Recently the State of California and it's citizens voted to keep the definition of marriage traditional...being only being between a man and a woman, in a nutshell. I mean I think unless you have been hiding in a cave for the past little while I am sure you know more about prop 8 than I do. Here is where I would like to voice my confusion and those of you that can answer what I am about to ask please feel free to explain. I am not asking your opinion on prop 8 JUST YET but I would like an answer to this displaced anger... hopefully I will have a well formed thought about prop 8 later tonight or tomorrow but for right now here is my question, or at least an intro to it.

Yesterday thousands of protesters rallied outside of The Church of Jesus Christs of Latter Day Saints' Los Angelos Temple. I mean, I thought it kind of made sense. They were upset and frustrated and most church goers voted to keep the definition of marriage the way it is. I mean I thought it was silly to just protest that temple and not other places of other denomination's worship (maybe they did I just know it made the news about that one place)but from what I hear this particular church has donated about 75% of the funds that the prop 8 campaign had. So... OK they made a few of the members of that faith know they disapproved of the leadership of that church's donation to the campaign and encouragement that congregation members themselves donate to the campaign, OK great.... what are they supposed to do about it? Should they really be harassed for where they did or did not choose to put their money or how they voted? got picked up by local and national news so... people know about it. But the only people that were really inconvenienced by it were people that went to go worship at that temple that night I suppose.

So... they decided it was not enough. Protesters decided to meet downtown Salt Lake City today and protest OUTSIDE TEMPLE SQUARE AT SIX PM. Here is my thinking.

Wait. ........What????

I know I voted. I knowI voted on several things, there was the Gov. , a few city officials, some judges I wasn't too knowledgeable about...proposition to renew the zoo, proposition to give money to the Tracy Aviary, I don't remember proposition 8 being on there. I am a resident of Salt Lake County and Salt Lake City where Temple Square is. I live in Utah. I don't remember voting on the definition of marriage. that I have that clarified. OK....

The Church Headquarters are indeed just east of Temple Square...but... I mean... technically that part of main street is closed off so I guess it is ON Temple Square, but not the part they were protesting. OK. So... 6pm on a Friday night... most people that work in that headquarters office are probably long gone...but protesters aren't right outside there. No...they are protesting the temple. So what this seems to me is that there is a group of people yelling at and being mean to and voicing their opinion to.... LDS people and visitors trying to enjoy their evening on temple square....who had nothing to do with the vote whatsoever. I mean there is always an off chance there was a California resident visiting but...really... who even knows for sure. Basically I feel they are kicking the cat. I mean seriously, protesting is great, the first amendment is GREAT....but come back Monday morning at say.... noon. Come back and protest the financial office which I assume has to be in the protest them during the day when it makes more sense. In the meantime, let us Salt Lake Citians be. We personally had nothing to do with that particular election so why is our peace getting disturbed?

Furthermore, it isn't like this particular church rigged the election! All they did was donate money and encourage people to take place in the democratic process and VOTE. Last time I checked Barack Obama's campaign spent loads more money than John McCain. Sometimes you have to spend money to get the word out there. You have to inform people. Look what it did! Should those of you that voted against him all gather together and protest outside of those people that contributed the most money to his campaign? I mean is this not similar? Should you protest because you didn't get your way? I say sure... you are allowed free speech in this country and you can do whatever you want....just protest to the right people man.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Ugh I am completely in agreement with you! Displaced anger. Argh. And here's the thing -- it wasn't even the church that donated money. It was members of the church.. who are California citizens, and had every right to voice their opinion on this issue, as did all those people who voted No on Prop 8. It's just sad.
