Well, I obviously have been doing a horrible job at updating everyday but in my defense....it's not my fault!hahaha. I have been so busy lately and I have hardly been home! Today after church I came home and crashed for several hours. I have felt so sleep deprived my brain felt like it was going to explode. I really got absolutely NOTHING done this weekend which is a horrible thing because I had a million things to do!! :( I hope I don't get too behind.
So... I have some bad news.
Old Blue is getting just as tired and sleepy as me. The other night I went on a late night grocery run with her on my way home from a friend's house. I ran in to get some soy milk (an essential) and five minutes later I was back outside. She just wouldn't wake up. I poked her and shook her and demanded that she wake up this very instant but she was out cold. Poor girl. A five minute nap turned into a 12 hour nap. I left her at the grocery store and decided she deserved a good nap. I called some friends to come get me and managed to get to work somehow the next day.
Kens came and got me from work and I went to go wake Old Blue up. She woke up but I decided to take her to the Dr. The Dr. said she had a sleeping disorder and that he was going to have to give her some medicine so that she will always wake up when I ask her to. I am glad she is getting some attention but sad that it is going to cost so much. My medical insurance just charges a copay and I was wondering why it couldn't be used this time. I would much rather pay $25 instead of $500+. Oh well.... I think she may have to go to a family that lives on a farm and has a huge yard for her to play in soon. She has been very good to me for the past ten or so years and I her. I change her oil EVERY 3,000 miles or 3 months depending on which comes first. I have NEVER let her run out of gas. I did scrape her on the side of the garage just a few months ago but other than the time that tricky concrete block of a sidewalk came out of nowhere when I was 17 I have never scraped or dented her. I mean I know I have let her been going with only 3 shoes for the past two years or so and when her inside light came off I never replaced it. Sometimes she gets tempermental with the rear doors and doesn't always open them and about a year ago her knobs to roll down the windows came off but that is just old age. I still love her. She always jams out with me and she met TONS of cute boys in my early years. Granted, she hasn't met one in quite some time but really, I have dated guys that have cars the past few years. (The joys of being out of high school) I even took her with me to Vegas just a few months ago and she has been there for me all the times I have cried while with her. I really hate to see her go...
shh....don't tell her but the thought of a new blue(black) (as opposed to old blue) really excites me! However, I would feel like I am cheating on her. I have never been with another blue, or any color really (besides my one year stint with that honda civic hatchback...but that was before I knew her!). She has been my main squeeze and I feel I should be loyal to her. I really don't know what to do. She will definitely be with me for the next few months but I don't know what to do after that. The thought of not having her in my life is sad. She is far from the prettiest blue on the block but she has a great personality!
One thing is for certain. It will be a great reunion tomorrow when I pick her up from the Dr's office. I might bring her flowers and I hope she is ready for some lovin!
I totally thought that I'd have your email but I don't. We would just need more info. When would he be here? How do you know him? How long have you known him? Reed just wants to make sure he's around. So we're open to the idea we just need to make sure. So my email is in my blogger profile. Shoot me an email, give me more information and we'll see if we can help.