I want to talk about The Dark Knight for a few moments. My friends and I bought our tickets well in advance for the midnight showing of this movie. We wanted to be among the first to witness what was expected to be one of the greatest movies in a while. Though I really wanted to see it I must admit I was in it was mostly for the social aspect. I mean I can count on one hand the amount of movies I have seen in the theater in the past twelve months. I have mixed feelings about this movie and I have had a lot of my older friends ask my opinion so here I am posting about it with no spoiler.
This movie was extremely dark and violent. I would like to know what the final body count was at the end of the movie. For the first time in my life I almost walked out of a movie. I felt so evil and could barely handle all the violence. This really isn't saying much because I am a light weight. Also, most people know how easily spooked I am. This being said when I gasp or jump every three seconds the movie starts to lose its appeal. I enjoy a good spook every once in a while but it got old and I was frustrated.
Christian Bale Who? My parents can attest to the fact that I was head over heels for Heath Ledger growing up.

You must admit he was a beautiful beautiful man!

One of the pictures that used to hang on my wall.
I had one large black and white poster of him on my wall and a few other full page magazine photos surrounding it. I also had dried flower about the pictures and my dad used to say it looked like a shrine. It wasn't intended that way.I think I threw those pictures away last year at Christmas when sorting through some old stuff. Sad. As disapointed as I was to hear of his passing earlier this year because I had a major crush on him growing up I am now just really upset that the film industry has lost such an amazing actor. I believe The Dark Knight was his best performance ever and I really have no clue how they are going to continue this series without him. I truly believe no one will ever be able to hold a candle to his Joker performance.

He was so creepy and so evil I thought I was going to have nightmares when I got home.

He truly brought his a- game when acting the part of a sociopath, psychotic, mass murdering clown. When reflecting on this movie everyone did an amazing job but compared to Heath's stand out performance they are pretty much forgettable. I heard there are rumours he will be nominated for an Oscar. I guess we will have to wait and see who the competition is but I really hope "he recieves it." (What do you do in a situation like this?) I feel 115 % because this is one of the most amazing acting jobs I have ever seen and 1% because he is dead and that would be an amazing tribute. Dead or not, this guy takes the cake!
Anyway, even after almost walking out ( I didn't and I am semi-ashamed I didn't stick to my values but also glad I got to see the whole movie) I am even thinking about seeing it again. I just can't stop thinking about it and this NEVER happens to me in movies.
It is rated PG-13 and for a good reason. I had a friend ask if her 11 and 13 year olds should see it because they did see Harry Potter afterall and that was dark. This is no Harry Potter folks. I don't want to tell you how to raise your kids and if you think they can handle it fine. I would suggest you see it first before making that decision. I am almost 24 and I could barely handle it. That being said I think it is a must see for all adults!
It's the same for me! I'm half fascinated half terrified of the movie. I wasn't really sure what message to take from the whole thing until talking with a friend last night and realized there was more to it than I noticed when I saw it. I too might need to see it again..