Saturday, July 05, 2008

I want to change the world... instead I sleep.

Those are lyrics to another Ingrid Michaelson song. It kind of sums up my life recently. I love her and I love her lyrics.

I had a really great blog post ready in my head and as soon as I signed onto Blogger it vanished out of my mind. I felt like I was already signed on though so I must blog right?
  • Sufjan Stevens is amazing. I just downloaded his Christmas album and a few other songs from randomly other selected albums. Three other notable recently downloaded artists: Pinback, Thriving Ivory, and Cobra Starship.
  • I had a really random dream last night that ended in an even more random ending. In this dream my friend's older brother was giving me a hug and then realized that he probably smelled and so pushed me away. I responded with, "No, you smell like a man." Upon hearing this response he pulled me back in and I inhaled more of the man smell!!!!! It woke me up immediately because it was so weird and random. According to the dream and the way I reacted I really like the smell of men. I have thought about it several times today and it has just absolutely made me giggle. What does that phrase entail? What exactly does a man smell like? Do all men smell the same? It is going to be my new favorite phrase for the next week or so. I am going to see how many times I can tell someone they smell like a man.
  • I LOVE fireworks !! Watching the explosion in the sky is so beautiful and calming. There is something about fireworks that brings out the patriotism in me. I am grateful for this nation and all the privileges we have here. I remember the years following high school when I was obsessed with Canada. Canada doesn't hold a candle to the United Sates!
  • I love my family.
  • I have no clue where life is taking me and often I feel lost. It is fun to be lost sometimes though. It makes being found that much more enjoyable don't you think?
  • Rumor has it that Boys like Girls, but I still believe that boys like boys.
  • I am counting down the days till August when I get to play with my cameras. My dad gave me his old SLR that he has had since way before I was born and I am excited to play with film but I am also going to buy another digital camera in a bit as well. The one I have now is kind of just for facebook pictures and whatnot. I really am excited to buy a digital version of the SLR.
  • I went to the batting cages for the first time in about two yeas on Thursday. I really needed it. Standing in a batting cage swinging at the baseballs is so stress relieving. I like to think of the balls as my problems in life, and as any good sportsman knows you never take your eye off the ball. It hurt to hit the ball and I had pain in my hand. Some of this pain came from hitting the ball too far down on the bat and other of it came from not doing it in a while. Just like it hurts to deal with real issues.... but it was worth it to watch my problems/balls fly across the other side of the cage. I know I will be back soon. There is something about a baseball game or going to the batting cages that changes my mood instantly.
  • Through all the crappiness of life, it really is beautiful don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:51 AM

    So since you read my blog, even though we don't know each other, I think I now have the right to read yours. And after you commented about Pan I've been meaning to become a devoted reader, and finally, here I am.

    I love this post. Amen to the boys like boys thing. Also to the parts about fireworks and life being beautiful. And in general to your whole blog theme of living deliberately. You sound like you've got the right idea about things.
