Monday, July 14, 2008

"I Never Said "Thank You""

I am extremely exhausted. It is 1:30 am and I am ready for bed but I wanted to start this blog. I will finish it at another time.

I just got home from a friend's house where a group of us watched Batman Begins in preparation for The Dark Knight which comes out Friday morning at midnight. I had never seen it before and as others slowly drifted home to their beds I decided to finish it. I must say I rather enjoyed it for several reasons but the thing that stuck with me was the very last line. I had been thinking of how to introduce this post and I think it summed it all up. At the end of the movie some guy whose name escapes me tells Batman, "I never said Thank You." To which batman replies, "And you'll never have to." That's it. Those are the last lines. And while I agree that sometimes people do things without needing to receive a "Thank You" I think it should ALWAYS be said.

I decided to do an experiment that started one week ago on Sunday. I decided I was going to try and serve as many people as I could this week. I had no criteria for who it had to be or what I had to do. All I wanted was to serve them to see if I maybe I would improve my week and hopefully improve theirs as well. In the last seven days I have done big acts, small acts, medium acts, acts that involved money, others that involved time, and others that involved giving of myself.

In efforts to make this short and get to bed I will conclude with my main point. I received not ONE thank you. Not a real one anyway. It was really surprising to me. I did not set out my experiment to see how many people would say Thank You, I set out to improve my week by giving of myself. It was, however, surprising when I gave of my time and efforts and no one even acknowledged it. Don't get me wrong I wasn't looking for praise in the LEAST... but I felt a little taken advantage of as I was doing all these things. I felt like people expected it. While I feel I came to love every person I served a little more than I had before I served them I also felt a little bit crummier. A small sincere Thank You would have made my experiment that much better. Not receiving a single Thank You really made my week that much harder.

I have a ton of thinking to do now that my experiment is "officially" over and more to think about and I am sure I will post more. I just want to leave those of you out there who read my nonsense something to think about. The next time someone opens your door or buys you a house (something small or something big) or just plain does something they don't HAVE to do maybe you should say "hey pal, that really meant a lot. THANKS."



  1. I don't really know what to say here. I guess batman is cooler than you because he doesn't need a "thank you"... where... you do. (That is, of course, one of many reasons Batman is cooler than you.)

    #1. It really seems like you've missed the point of giving service.
    #2. As one of your recipients of "service" last week, please remember that I specifically asked you not to do anything. And, while I appreciate the thoughtfulness, sometimes when someone says they don't want something done for them... they mean it. You certainly shouldn't feel "taken advantage of", at least in this instance, because not only was it not expected... but I asked you not to.
    #3. I did thank you. I'm sorry if the words didn't count as a "real one" for your little experiment.

    I don't know mandi... I'm sorry you didn't get any "thank you's". But if serving people is such a downer for you, stop doing it.

  2. Oh Benjamin.....

    While it is easy to be disheartened by your comment I am going to smile.

    I don't know if you read the blog wrong or if you feel like it is a little close to home.

    I have been going through a lot of stuff lately I just haven't wanted to talk about. I decided that instead of having a pity party I in part at least needed to serve others and quit focusing on myself.

    You are right, you said you were joking but I thought you were having a bad day. It really cheered me up to do something fun for you. I was worried however because although I told you I had sent it I wasn't too positive on your address and I had never heard anything.

    You, however, are the least of my worries. You were one of many many people in seven days.

    I am not saying service is a downer and I am disapointed my writing skills lack that much, that that was the message you recieved from it. I am saying when I was really struggling just to get out of bed in the morning and to keep a smile on my face in the past week and I have done so much (mostly giving my time and myself when I feel I don't have much of either lately) it really tested my faith in service that much more when not one person smiled and said thanks even for little things such as a door and for much bigger things than a pizza.

    P.S. It is no battle. Batman is DEFINITELY cooler than I am. I don't even compare.

  3. Aww Mandi I can understand your blog. And it is sad that many times people don't say "thank you" when someone, anyone does a nice thing for them. Even when asked not to do something, or it isn't expected. It should still get a thank you. :) I think it's great what you tried to do. Maybe next time try and give of yourself to people who deserve it ;) or who will be appreciative!

    I hope your days are getting better!!!
