Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Today's Boring Blog

So much to blog about and no desire to do so. Actually, anytime I go to blog about something someone else blogs about it.

Vegas- My man Kyle blogged about it. My version is completely different than his but hey, you probably won't be hearing my version anytime soon. It involves energy and desire to do so. I will tell you that I did not spend a single dollar other than on food and I made 10 cents. Yes ladies and genteel... while walking along the strip I found a shiny (probably std infected) dime. I picked it up and counted myself richer than when I came.

Definitely, Maybe
- I rented it from redbox while at the grocery store. Being home sick doesn't lend yourself to too many activities. I thought it would be cute and I was hoping that a certain guy would come over and watch it with me but he was busy. :( It's OK, in my opinion it was better that he wasn't there. I did not like the movie one bit. The cutest part? When the dad tells his daughter that she was his happy ending. Other than that I thought that definitely, maybe I would never watch this movie again. It was a waste of time.

I surely am a winner at life
- Today I decided to take a break from my ipod. If I am not listening to my ipod then I am very loyal to 101.9 the end. However there was some lame commercial on so I switched the station. I immediately heard a garbled up song and you were supposed to guess what band/song it was. It was really easy so for the first time in my life I called in.
Ugh, yeah. Is this the radio station?
Oh...well... I wanted to call in.
What's the song?
Panic! at the Disco, blast... I can't think of the song name. oh yeah...I write sin's not tradgedies.
GREAT! and can you tell me what radio station you heard it on?!?!
-----long pause----check the radio station.........107.9
107.9 the mix
yeah. 107.9 the mix
A conversation about Houston and the DJ's there ensued but nothing you really want to hear about. Not that you wanted to hear about me calling in either but oh well.

Wait, what?!? I won two cd's. nothing great. I went and picked them out. They didn't have a lot to choose from. I got Gavin Degraw and this kid called William Tell. Has anyone else heard of William? I have not. I have listened to a few songs so far though and I must say I am not disappointed. He slightly reminds me of The Rocket Summer. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing but that's my opinion so far.


  1. That's funny. I almost feel bad for only commenting on the one thing in your post that I disagree with... but, that's me.

    I also watched Definitely, Maybe last night, coincidentally. I actually really liked it. Like... really liked it. We won't go into the why, since you probably don't care and won't agree, but that's my two cents.

  2. Why would you feel bad? Dude, I totally want to hear the why. Do you know me at all? I always love to hear the other side of the story, what someone else thinks, ESPECIALLY if it is different than my own opinion.
