Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Slowly Slowly Dying

I am pretty sure I am dying
I can't begin to tell you why
I think I need another trip to the Dr
But wondering if I should even try.

I feel so yucky inside. It is now day 10 in case you are keeping track. I went to Vegas over the weekend and couldn't even fully enjoy it. Yesterday was so incredibly busy and all I wanted to do was come home lay down and cut open my body to find whatever fishy little thing is making me sick.

I am going to go lay back down now but I promise I will update in a few days and it will be great.


  1. Aww...Mandi! I hate to hear that you are still feeling ill. What are your symptoms? Maybe go and talk to a pharmacist at your local pharmacy? Saves you the Dr. co-pay. I had been feeling ill and dehydrated for maybe 4 days not too long ago (I had been dehyrdated before to the point of hospitalization - that is why I could diagnose myself) and I drank tons of water, and gatorade, but my pharmacist had found this new water called "Smart Water" they have it at CVS and omg most amazing water ever, and I eventually felt better too. Maybe eat some red meat, if your stomach allows it.

    I hope you feel better soon.... :(

  2. Oh yea, the Smart Water has the electrolytes that you need in it. And tastes so clean compared to other bottled water.
