Mike Lyman is seriously one of the best people I know.

No joke. Is he perfect? No. Is he an outstanding person? YES! I can't even begin to list all the acts of service he has performed for me but just recently the a/c in my car was out. I was about to take a road trip and I really needed it fixed if I was going to go any further than three miles. I scheduled an appointment with my mechanic and he said it would be $50 just to LOOK at it. I mean that is fine and all but then I remembered that I had a friend who works at a mechanic shop. Not knowing anything about cars I called him and asked if he would come over after work sometime. He said he wouldn't be able to do much unless I brought it in. So... I got off work early one day and headed over there. He had to get permission for me to come in but he did. He had been working on taking out an engine and took a break to look at my car. He fixed my car at no cost to me. That was it and I was on my way. While I was there watching him work on my car he had gotten a call from someone else. They too wanted his help with their car and he told them a time he would be able to help and hung up the phone. That was it. No complaining. No nothing. I can't think of a more dependable person than him. Anytime anyone needs ANYTHING he is there. He can always be counted on. He goes above and beyond every single time because that is who he is. He gives the best hugs, will always call you by your nickname, takes amazing photos, and is one of the best friends anyone could ever ask for.

He doesn't blog and he doesn't read blogs but I think he deserves a shout out and the good energy out there in the universe.
Mike, thanks so much for always being there and being the great person you are. I love you!!

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