Last night...
I had a dream....
David Archuletta

Seriously, no joke. He was my boyfriend and he was in love with me. And, I didn't really like him all that much but we were dating none the less. Seriously? So here is the DL (scoop) for those older fans of my blog who may not know who he is. He is a SEVENTEEN year old kid from Murray (about five miles from my house), UT who tried out for American Idol and got to the top two. He did not end up winning but he is a major buzzed about talked about person on the radio, news, and media in Salt Lake City. My favorite radio station calls him David Enchilada. HaHa. Anyway. The kid is young, looks like he is 12 and sounds like he is 8. What is up with this? First I have reoccurring dreams that Hugh Hefner wants me and now David? What am I supposed to be learning from this dream? Do I need to look for a guy to date who is more like me or less like me? DREAM INTERPRETERS UNITE! Please tell me what is going on here!!! I feel like a freak.
All I know is that I have lost all dignity. Somehow my dreams about Hugh Hefner were not as bad to my self esteem as the fact I dreamed about David. I am going to go sit in a corner and sulk now.

Umm... didn't you used to call me Hugh Hefner? Is that code?
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ReplyDeleteHAHA no it was not intentional code in my blog but maybe it was a subconscious code in my dream! This is the best interpretation I have yet to hear!
ReplyDeleteGASP!! I just came up with a new theory. Be excited Ben!!