Well since posting from my Mac is much more time consuming than posting from my PC and I have no patience today you are going to get to see my Vegas trip backwards. Now that it has been a few weeks I don't really feel like talking about it but here are some pictures...

Welcome to Utah! I was asleep 60 seconds before this picture was taken but Rachel woke me up so that I could get a sign with it. Too bad she wouldn't pull over for the Welcome to Arizonia and Welcome to Nevada signs on the way down there!!

Me and the slow child sign. Janelle has one of these in her garage to put out on the street when her children are playing. I thought it was funny... I mean... who has their own personal slow down thing? She does... apparently.

While most of the group stayed at Mandalay Bay I stayed with the Ozawas. Mostly so I could spend time with this little girl and the rest of the amazing family.

Some random picture of one of the guys at the club. Since I don't drink he kept buying me Figi water all night. He was super cool, from New York with an accent, and a chef. He wanted me to come over to his house the next day so he could make me lunch. I gave him a fake number.... Sorry!

A horrible picture of Rachel and I. This was in our VIP area. Our security guard took the picture. Too bad you couldn't see the whole outfit. Red heels black and white dress... I loved this night.

In N Out for lunch everyday in Vegas and I STILL lost two pounds. Probably due to the major dancing I did at nights but I like to attribute it to this amazing diet.

Everyone on the trip had sunglasses but I don't wear them. I was given a pair to wear so I would fit in with the group. I guess I am too cool for you to see my eyes.

Some of the group with Janelle at The Cracked Egg in Vegas.
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