Thursday, May 29, 2008

Half Birthday

Today (well now technically yesterday but I haven't been to bed yet) is my 23 1/2 birthday! Happy Half Birthday to ME! Now.... many of my friends like to post pictures of their children and say their milestones. I don't see why I can't do the same thing for myself. HaHa.

Things I currently Dig
  • Cologne. Men who smell nice stay on my mind for days...even if I don't like them
  • Guys who know how to dress. Shoes are important. A guy who wears nice shoes says a lot without really speaking to me.
  • Charleston Chews. I love this candy & I wonder if I will ever get tired of it
  • The Shout Out Louds. A current favorite band.
  • Texas Country music. There is just something different about Texas Country.
  • Writing and receiving letters to/from Jade.
  • Pretty Aprons
  • Bosch mixers
  • Puppies
  • Outdoor activities like hiking, campfires in canyons, wakeboarding......the list goes on
  • Being great at budgeting and finding really great deals
  • Temple Square
  • Daily/Weekly e-mails from REI
  • Getting onto Google Reader and seeing 7+ posts from a few hours before ( I am subscribed to about 40 or more blogs)
Things that Currently bother me
  • People who make jokes at other's expense
  • People who write their lower case A's the same as their 2's. Basically like a backwards s.
  • People who break promises
  • Bad drivers
  • Construction on 33rd S.
  • My shifting teeth
  • My itchy throat
Well it looks like the good list way outnumbers the bad so that is a good thing. I am off to bed. 6 more months and I will be 24!!! CRAZY!!


  1. Did your mom buy you a Bosch?!? How exciting! We'll have to have a Bosch party after the wedding! Hooray for Bosch! And Cooking with Shan & Mandi... Lets do it soon. I miss you!

  2. Anonymous3:20 PM

    What if I wear cologne, but I make fun of other people a lot? Do those cancel each other out? What if I'm really, really funny?

    Just wondering.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wearing cologne does not cancel anything out. I just love the smell of it and I think about the person for days afterwards.

    Making fun of people can be OK as long as it is not mean spirited or at their expense. Nothing can compensate for a tacky person. Keep it classy.

    Funny is completely subjective. IF you were really really funny though I would love it. I heart (yes I said it) funny people.

    Sarcasm and and a good sense of humor = someone I want to be friends with!
