Thursday, May 29, 2008


I wish to reply to the comment left on my make love with words blog. Part of this is a reply the other part is a clarification. While it is a reply please let me preface to say this is directed at no INDIVIDUAL.

As a clarification, please forgive me for not stating more clearly that I do not believe there must be conflict to have a great conversation. Please notice that one of those in the short list was a conversation of self worth. What I meant about having a great conversation was a conversation of substance. A conversation where there was something deeper. A conversation where the parties involved dig down deep and offer what they feel. These are true and sincere feelings and something that matters eternally, nationally, or globally; not just for the moment. Conversations of deity, of morals, of why we do what we do. Conversations where neither party has the definite answer but they offer up their hopes and desires.

True, some of the best "conversations" are where nothing has been said at all. But a true CONVERSATION in the literal sense is where each party has formed an opinion irrelevant to anyone else based on feelings, research, and facts.

As a reply let me just say that I really believe it would be an absolute TRADGEDY if someone has gone 21 years of their life without speaking their own opinion for FEAR of being " shut down by others and, i fear,by even myself." If your ideas are indeed "too important" then why on earth would you leave them unsaid?!?! Even if they aren't applied with if they truly are that important they deserve to be heard!! All sides should be examined before reaching a conclusion. How would you know right if there was no wrong? How would we know Grey if we didn't have both black AND white?!? Compromises can be reached and often times the other party has never thought about your side.

If they are too important aren't they deserving of thorough research and knowledge? If you yourself might shut them down then maybe they aren't true or important to begin with. How silly would you be to go your life "believing" in something that you don't TRULY believe in? This could be applied to topics as far spanned as your stance on immigration or whether or not you believe in a God.

Let me tell you a secret. No one really honestly cares WHAT you believe in so long as you have a strong formed opinion on it. Do you think illegal immigration is bad? WHY?!?! Why do you think it is bad? Or do you just hear the word illegal and think it is bad? Have you been trained your whole life to believe it is bad? How silly. Do the homework, find out for yourself.

* I personally used to think it was bad because that is how I was raised. Living in Texas teaches you to hate illegal immigrants. Then I became friends with a few people who I found out later were illegal. (most of them aren't the cross the boarder type either. I guess there goes that whole building a wall argument. They are the come here with Visa's and stay once they are expired type FYI) After taking several economics courses I freely welcome immigrants. This could be a whole post in itself but the point is, most people wouldn't agree with me but I have the facts and numbers to back myself up. Who cares if people agree or disagree? I am out to educate those around me and as least I have a reason for believing what I believe. Hopefully they will be a little more informed after our conversation, even if they never fully agree.

If you think there is a God I would hope you have at least prayed once in your life. I hope you have tried to find out for yourself if there is a God. I hope you don't just do that because your parents said there was a God.

If everyone was like this individual who says they don't like to have conflict I would hate to see what type of world we would live in. The rich would overpower this world so much more than they already do. The top 20% of the wealthy people control 91% of our wealth as it is in the United States. Think about how our government would be run if no one was willing to say HEY! This is what I believe! You are doing things wrong!

Living in Salt Lake I would like to make one last point. Latter Day Saints are roughly half of the Utah population. Think about if Joseph Smith would have been afraid for his ideas to be shut down. I do believe it would affect many of my readers.

Well behaved women rarely make history.

Is it really because they are misbehaved? Or is it because they spoke up when maybe it wasn't the most socially acceptable thing to do?

I guess all I am trying to say is that I don't care who does what in life. I really don't. All I ask is that whatever you DO, do it with a PURPOSE. There are hardly more things in this world that frustrate me more than ignorant people.


  1. Anonymous6:54 PM

    yeah despite the phone convo., i still took it personally...but its ok. ive got a good response coming right after this...

    sarah huber

  2. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Yeah, I am very grateful I have been somewhat educated tonight, Mandi.

  3. Mandi I found your blogs when I saw Christina's. I love your blogs and I am glad that you have speak your mind and you do it so well, and respectfully!

    Have a FABULOUS week!
