Sunday, May 11, 2008


OK. I swear I need to start another blog. One that fits my rants and raves and one for the descriptions of my life. Today's blog is a rant.


Seriously. I am sorry for wasting your time and please feel free to just ignore this blog altogether and not read it. I am having some serious issues right now. I mean do you ever hear a guy complaining that he can never find the right jeans? No! Well... I haven't. I am sure there are guys out there that do but comparatively they just don't complain about it as much as women. Women's jeans just don't ever fit. It is so hard to find the right pair and to top it off I HATE THE WAIST LINES!

Has anyone ever thought that I don't care to s my underwear every time I sit down? I don't feel like buying extra long shirts or pulling down my shirt every time I have to stand up or sit down? I also hate seeing other girls butt cracks all the time. Stop the madness! Create jeans that cover!I feel so old but the past few pairs of pants I have bought have the highest waist possible and they aren't even that high.

I am going to start designing my own line of jeans. Ones that fit women who are too old to be wearing jeans where the zipper is an eight of inch long because then you are at the waist.



  1. I totally agree! I hate women's jeans too! None of them fit me! And it makes me so mad! Lets go on strike and make our own! For real!

  2. Anonymous5:05 PM

    amen! ....ive heard that my brothers struggle a little too though.. but we definitely have it hard....grrrrrr...

  3. STORY OF MY LIFE! ha ha... I seriously hate buying jeans. In fact, I haven't done so in a long long time just so I can avoid this frustration. Lets start a petition to all clothing stores! I'd totally sign...
