Sorry. Different day same excuse. ( I have been busy). I just wanted to update you guys with a few pictures. I have kinda been BLAH lately. With one best friend in Dallas, and another on a mission, my family in Texas (don't get me wrong I absolutely ADORE my gamma girls but.... yeah) I have been in a slump. Well...Saturday afternoon Candice sent me a text message to see when my spring break was. She was driving from Dallas to Winter Park Colorado where Tim's parent's have a condo and saw an exit sign for Salt Lake City. She thought I was about an hour away. (she sucks at geography) and invited me there for the week.Turns out it was about 6-7 hours difference but I decided I would go for a quick weekend trip anyway (even though I had a midterm Monday.) It took me about 20 minutes to decide I was going and about 15 minutes to pack up. I made a quick stop to the local sprint store to grab a car charger and I was on i-80 headed to Denver. I made it there in about 6 hours!! I got there about 7pm Saturday night and left about 4pm Sunday. It was a quick trip but it was amazing and much needed. We didn't do anything too special....we went to dinner, went shopping, (the cashier asked if we were sisters), she made blueberry pancakes for breakfast, we drank herbal tea and watched TV...we laughed...I am SO INCREDIBLY GRATEFUL for that girl. Anyone who knows me knows I LOATH driving as far as across the street but somehow the 13 hours in the car by myself seemed like nothing. ( I don't know that I would do it again anytime soon though) I am glad I did. I have been in a WONDERFUL mood since then. She really is one of the best people I have ever met.

Candice and I met our sophomore year in high school. We had PE and autocad together. I remember I couldn't stand her at first. She has a very polarizing effect on people. Either you love her or you hate her. I wouldn't say I hated her but she really got on my nerves. She was loud and obnoxious and that was about it. She was always in trouble in PE! I really wish I could remember those days better. I do remember however the first time she actually came and talked to me. It was our senior year of high school (we both skipped our Junior year and graduated a year early) and we had physics with Mrs. Bosworth together. I can't remember why but I was crying or I had been crying. I am pretty sure I WAS crying but it is very vauge. I just remember being sad. It was the last period of the day and I was in the back of the classroom. Candice kicked whoever it was out of their seat and came and sat next to me. She talked to me and made me feel soooo much better! From that day forward she sat next to me and we were best friends. She would invite me to eat lunch with her or go home for lunch ( my very first time I skipped school!! only lunch...but we weren't allowed to leave campus). She made me feel like I belonged. She even had a best friend at the time and Kate HATED me (she didn't even know me I think she was just jealous we spent so much time together) so Candice STOPPED being her friend to be MY friend. I never asked her to choose and I could have cared less if she was friends with Kate but Kate cared so Candice ditched her.

Just at a time when my church friends were being rude and making me feel left out because I wasn't a loser like they were... Candice came to my rescue. I really can't thank her enough for all she did. I didn't get along with my parents or my family very well back then. I guess they just weren't used to me yet and my sister and I got into a fight. I called candice sobbing and all i said was come pick me up. I didn't ask where she was or what she was doing and I didn't tell her what was going on. She knew very well I had a car. She NEVER asked questions...about ten minutes later -the time it took to commute between our houses- there she was. I hopped in her car. Right as we turned the corner my parents were turning the same corner in the opposite direction. Once they had seen me I knew that I would be in mega trouble if I didn't turn back around. I told her to turn back around and she did. She wished me luck as I got out of the car and that was that. I am sure I told her the next day everything that went down but she didn't care. She never cared. She was just there for me. I can't ask for a better friend. My parents hated her which I always thought was funny because I don't know that my parents have ever even talked to her. They just saw her. While her mom told me not to knock and to just walk right in, I don't think Candice ever came over to my house! I never invited her. I will always remember that day. We had lots of fun times too though! Our favorite thing to do was to run home after school and watch Jeopardy! We loved to try and get the answers right. We would coordinate outfits ( wear denim mini skirts on the same day or the day when she wore black leather pants with a red shirt and then I wore my red pants with a black shirt and then the next day we traded outfits)We also made a boat out of CARDBOARD and floated it across the pool in our high school for a physics project. We won and that boat would have lasted FOREVER but some boys got jealous and destroyed it. We also frequented the Galleria many times and I can't think of a better shopping experience than walking in the mall hand in hand into the many beautiful amazing stores they have there! We used to call each other girlfriend & lover all the time. One of the funniest moments in my life was when my mom sat me down and had a heart to heart asking me if I was a lesbian!!!! I was flabbergasted! Looking back I think I would have thought the same thing if I were my mom....but it was hilarious and offensive simultaneously at the time! I think we did it to prove something. Like we were going to do what we were going to do and you couldn't do anything about it. I think we WANTED someone to say something to us just so we could be mean to them! WE liked to be obnoxious and we both hated cops. ( i wonder if being pulled over a lot had anything to do with it) We were and ARE just so much alike. We definitely have our differences but we are a lot alike too. When I was just there she told me how weird it feels for me not to be going to medical school because we are always doing the same things at the same time. While she is not in medical yet she is preparing to take her MCATS . I wish I would have taken more pictures but I hope you enjoyed the ones I did take. The ones underneath are from past years.

Christmas 2005

Christmas 2006
I love your hair. Esp. the one where you're wearing the hat. I can't believe you drove that far. I'm contemplating driving 5 hours to see some people and I don't know if I can do it.
ReplyDeleteHey! I found the url to the countdown thing on my blog...
1. Add a page element
3. Paste the html from the link above
4. Edit the html so it appears as you like.
There are a lot of other countdowns but they're ugly.
Good luck.