Wednesday, March 26, 2008
So... a few of my classes are somewhat hard. In one of my classes the class average is like a 50. That is doing well actually because there are like 16 kids in the class and two girls make 100 on all the tests and everyone else makes like a 40. I have made like 50's and 55's so I am actually doing pretty well in the class relatively speaking. Well... I am also really talkative in class. The teacher is a genius and will often say... "this is really
quite elementary" or "this should be so clear" to which I will sarcastically remark OH YEAH! DUDE! THIS IS SO EASY... why do we even have to TAKE this class? I feel like I learned this in second grade!!! This usually gets my point across that obviously he is there to TEACH and that we DON'T already know this...when really.... I sometimes feel like he is speaking spanish. You see... I can pick up key words in spanish and I can usually get the jist of the conversation but by no means do I understand every word and I definitely have a hard time SPEAKING it... so it is the same with this class. I get the majority of it but it is hard for me to reproduce what was taught. Well...one day in class the teacher said...Mandi...if you can get a 100 on my next test(out of 108- there is a bonus problem) I will take you to Disneyland! I think he half means this. I know he knows there is no way on earth I could get a 100...but if I do I think he knows I worked really hard and deserve it! Well...going to Disneyland with your teacher can be a little creepy so I told him I wanted an A in the class. He agreed. He says he will still hold his end of the bargain...I will graciously decline (don't get too creeped out the kid can't be much older than 26 ) but I am working my hardest to get a 100! Do you know how much I would LOVE to get an A in this class? Keep me in your prayers because I am going to be studying my behind off!

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ill always pray for you mando:)...and if you ask my opinion, i think you should take disneyland...