Wednesday, March 05, 2008

"everyone loves you"

I am really blessed. Really Really REALLY blessed.

Just a random blog. My friend Lindsay had a bridal shower this weekend and I bought her some stuff but the bag I got from the local scandalous shop. Blue sells like lingerie and stuff like that. The bag said Caution... X rated gift. When I walked in I was greeted by the usual MANDO!!! with squeals of joy and excitement even though they were in the middle of a game and then there was more joy and excitement at the bag and everyone could not wait to see what I had gotten her. From that point until Linds actually opened her present everyone kept saying how excited they were to see what I got her and how I always got the best gifts, how they hoped I would come to their bridal showers, and how the Scandal (me) had once again been the life of the party.

Every time I walk into my sorority (always late because I have class that runs into our meeting time) I am greeted by exclamations of joy, shouts of excitement, and hugs that Mando has arrived. I can't think of anyone else they do that for.

Today while talking to one of my best guy friends online we were talking about one of my best girl friends. I was like yep... she loves me. To which he replied WHO DOESN'T?!?! When I tried to say that no one did he was like well maybe not those stupid people in Utah but everyone here in Texas does!! Right after that I got a random text message from a different friend merely stating they loved me.

I really have some of the best friends. Primo top notch friends. I feel very blessed that I am cared so much about by so many people. I think I find it easy to say that no one cares but when you take a step back you realize just how many people love you. I think I forget more times than I remember so I just wanted to write it down in case I have a bad day.... I can remember what great friends I have and how truly blessed I am to have real FRIENDS and not just acquaintances.

Thanks for being one of those people.

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