Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mando's Perfect Banana Bread

So... this one day I was CRAVING Banana Bread but my sister still had not sent me her recipe so I decided to look one up online. I modified it a tad and this is what I got. EVERY SINGLE TIME I make it people RAVE about it. I make it so often I even have it memorized! My first recipe from heart! I gave out the recipe to three people in one day after I made it again Monday night. My friend Isaac even sent me a message that said, "hey my mom wants your banana bread recipe , I told her that it was the most amazing thing that has been baked on this earth.... so ya..." Hahaha. I am kind of anal about giving out recipes... especially because I have become famous for this... but because I love you all... here it is.
I hope you enjoy it.

Preheat oven to 325.

(bowl one- large bowl)
8 tbsp unsalted butter ( that should be a whole stick) room temp
1 c sugar
2 eggs
mix the butter and sugar together until nice and creamy. then mix in each egg one at a time.

(bowl two- small bowl- cereal bowl usually works)
3 ripe bananas
1tsp cinnamon
1tbsp milk
mash the bananas together with a fork and then stir in the milk and cin. with it. i usually do this all with the fork too.

(medium bowl- bowl three)
2 c flour
1tsp baking powder
1tsp baking soda
1tsp salt

so... then pour in the banana mush into the sugary buttery creamy heaven ..hahaha that would be bowl one. mix it with the mixer until it is all mixed in. Then what you want to do is get a spoon, fork, spatula, or your favorite mixing utensil for mixing by hand and pour ALL of the flour into bowl one. You want to make sure to mix & fold the flour in there but only until the flour JUST starts to disappear. ( as opposed to using a mixer and really mixing in the flour) Then pour it into your bread pan.

*note... I usually use just a dab of butter to grease the pan, not the spray stuff.

Put the bread in for 60 minutes and it should be perfect. Serve warm with butter for ultimate satisfaction!


P.S. Yes I meant to write Mando. It's a name the girls in my sorority and most of the frat guys call me. And yes...there is a story to it. I usually make the bread for them or my roomates so it has become known as Mando's banana bread.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:20 AM

    How about next time we have "cousins/sisters movie night" you make that for us? :-)
    Since the rest of us "cousins" have to cook all the will be a treat to sit back and let someone else do all the cooking. (hehehe)
    Luv ya, Cynthia
