Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Boxing is For Girls

For those of you who may not know... boxing is apparently for girls.Yes Yes... it is true. AND... because it is for girls I have decided to sign up for a 20 class commitment that must be paid for in advance and if you quit going you are pretty much screwed. What I was failed to be informed of is that apparently... boxing is for Nazi, pain loving, military boot camp loving, MASOCHIST girls! Jeez LOUISE! I have never ever EVER worked out so hard in 60 minutes in my life. Lucky me... I have 19 more classes to go. Actually... I suppose I am somewhat of a masochist myself because AFTER the class was over I ran for an hour and then went to the gym for an hour. I was on an exercise high! However, Saturday was not so pleasant and Sunday I couldn't even get out of bed because I was so much in pain I could barely move. Hmmm... doesn't sound like a great way to start your workout regiment. However, I do have 19 more classes left and I intend to make the most of it. I suppose I will be ready to join the marines after I complete this. I have an inkling boot camp would be much easier, and they might even be a tad nicer. Hmmm.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:23 AM

    BOXING?!! Why not try Yoga, or something lesss.......less....less...
    boxing? My arms hurt just thinking about it. :-)
    Luv, cynthia
