OK. The weather is warm. I am giddy! Millions of thoughts and anticipation for summer are making me very overwhelmed. I want to run, jump, and sing... It is amazing what warm weather can do to you. I am SO stoked for spring! I can't wait until temple square is full of tulips and everywhere you go and drive you see yards full of tulips and other beautiful flowers. Most of all...

In August I bought a brand new baseball and I keep it in the cupholder of my car. I play with it in the car, yearning for a new season... anticipating the possibility the Astros will again grace the World Series sometime soon ( not likely but a girl can dream can't she?)..excited to watch the Bee's (SLC minor league) play, buying CHEAP season tickets, and sitting in the sun cheering for the home team.

MY LIFE IS GREAT right now!
P.S. I don't care WHAT they say about Roger (Clemens)... I still love you!!!!