Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Good Lyrics
And I'm surrounded byI have always loved lyrics. I have never been one to know the coolest latest artists, but I know the words they sing. I have always loved lyrics. I think they so eloquently express feelings and sometimes it's just adequately. However, they have a way of conveying a feeling to you. I love it.
a million people i
still feel all alone
- lyrics from Home by Michael Buble
Quite often, (more than most anyone knows) I think in lyrics or lyrics will come to my mind during a certain situation. Tonight's situation? Movie night (Martian Child- my recommendation? 3 out of 5 stars). I met up with some people at a movie theater. I arrived late and after the movie the person I knew best was separating themselves with the group to talk to another person. They left fairly quickly. There was still quite a number left in the group but I felt very uncomfortable. Then the words came to my mind... "I'm surrounded by, a million people I still feel all alone...." so I went home.
I don't understand how that phenomena works. Why do we allow ourselves to connect to some people and yet when there are a million people around us, we feel if our lives are devoid of those who we choose, then we are alone? I don't know. I can't really embelish on this post because I still haven't figured it out myself so it would just be pointless rambling.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Admendment to the Tuesday November 20th post
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Pay it Forward... or behind?
I am stressed. In the winter I often find it much more difficult to deal with adversity than if it were the summer. Something about the lack of sunlight and the air being bitter cold that makes it hard for my body to cope. So instead I procrastinate thinking maybe I won't have to do it. Procrastination only leads to more stress, and then REAL stress when I approach whatever it is unprepared.
I suck at life! HaHa. OK so not really, sometimes I work better under pressure. I would like to write about something I just heard on the news today. A woman going through a Starbucks drive through in Pennsylvania today decided to pay for the car drinks in the car behind her. She told the cashier the only stipulation was that they had to do something good for someone else. The result? Two hours of customers paying for the other person's drink. Now... I think about this, really everyone else didn't make much of a sacrifice, their drink was paid for and they just paid for someone else's. However, this is not my point. My point is my disappointment's in whoever broke the chain. The cashier was interviewed and she said she told everyone what was going on.
" The person in front of you has paid for your drink. The only thing they ask is that you do something good for someone else. You are under no obligation to pay for the person behind you. You can just take your free drink & leave."
I imagine the last person who elected not to continue this chain as a frugal millionaire- a scrooge if you will- that went home with his double mocha frapachapalapacino double iced grande mocha low fat with skim milk and laughed maliciously while throwing hundreds of dollars of bills in the air because he just saved six.
Or... maybe it was just a mean lawyer late to a case.
Either way, with the Christmas season upon us, I think we should all take a moment to pay it forward, or behind... whichever one is most suitable for you.
Monday, December 10, 2007
El Dentisto-- I am sure that isn't right
It was actually extremely fun! I was pleasantly surprised! Jade & I took guys that were cousins so they decided to dress alike. White suits with black pin striped shirts & skater shoes.

Us while it is snowing on Temple Square. From L-R ( Wort, Jade, Me, Miles)

A few of my favorite Gamma Girls. L-R ( Kens, Jaelyn, Jade, Me, Brooke)

After party. Decorate Gingerbread men like your date.
L-R (Me, Miles, Jade, Wort)

The finished product.
You just aren't white
Most of yesterday was spent with Jade. I slept in until noon, she came to church with me, and then we went to her grandparent's house for dinner. Her grandpa was showing me around the basement. He really has quite the collection of memories down there. Most things had to do with something he accomplished, or something he had done, but on the wall adjacent to the maps of lake powell, we pictures of his grandchildren. Most were broken down by families, but there were a few of the grandchildren all together. They were really cute. The following is a true reenactment.
Me: Jade! You & your cousins are really cute!
Jade: (laughter) Thanks
Me: I wish me and my cousins were that cute.
Jade: you are, you just aren't white
HaHaHa! Who says something like that? I really have no clue. She didn't say it to be mean, she just said it. I thought it was hilarious. I think she felt slightly embarrassed after that because I was giving her grief about it. Another funny thing happened just about an hour afterwards as we are leaving her grandparents. She is playing this CD and it's really soft and weird but cool and the singer is like dragging out all her words and it's really soft and Jade repeated some of the lyrics. She was like don't you think it's pretty? " I will wait for you, just hurry" (or something to that effect) and I was like oh...that's cool... what language is that. Her reply?
hahaha. Obviously I wasn't REALLY paying attention. But hey! Can you blame me? Jade listens to music in all sorts of languages...
A good humored fun has turned out wrong. No mal intent was meant by posting the link to my dancing parents but after talking to my dad I have decided to remove it. I would not intentionally hurt someone's feelings or try to make them feel uncomfortable... I am sorry!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Let's see, in the past seven days, I have been sung Happy Birthday in two different restaurants, been to a Jazz Game, met (again) President Monson & Elizabeth Smart ( work christmas party) attended a Kurt Bestor concert, gone down to Provo to see the midnight showing of Sigur Ros' movie,

learned how to snowboard,made a pizza in the shape of Texas,

went sledding for the first time (accompanied by my first wearing of SNOW PANTS),

Friday, November 23, 2007
Did you know?
1. My first crush was Trey, a boy who could DRESS HIMSELF when I was four years old. Or was I three?
2. I love when guys wrap their arms around you and you can smell their deodorent. I know I am wierd but I love it!
3. I love when guys call me by a nickname/pet name they have given me. I must have a million. It makes me so ridiculously happy and feel special.
4. I can't stand the smell of movie popcorn.
5. When I was two I was climbing a highchair and fell and busted my chin open. I still have a scar.
6. My mom and I didn't talk until I was 19 and now she is one of my best friends. Shes one of the coolest people I know.
7. I was once engaged to one of the most amazing persons I have ever met ( I called it off)
8. I have four dots on my face that form a slanted square if you connect the dots (update... I hate a lot more now)
9. I have every report card I was ever given. Starting from my Montessori school when I was four
10. My sixteenth birthday present was a two and a half week trip to Italy
11. I love going to the beach, but I hate getting in the water.
12. I was the Maid of Honor at a wedding when I was only 15! ( I couldn't even drive yet!!!)
14. I love the feeling of being at a baseball game, eating pizza, drinking Dr.Pepper and screaming and chanting SOO ridiculously loud for the Astros!!!
15. even though i think education is important, the only thing i want to do when i grow up is raise my kids and be there for my husband.
16. i haven't felt loved in a really long time
17. i actually DO love my job
18. I HATE to be woken up while sleeping. I am ALWAYS grouchy if I was not planning on waking up.
19. When I answer the phone my voice gets 12 octaves higher- I don't know why!!! My voice is high to begin with though.
20. People always tell me I am way too happy
21. I have never asked anything from a guy other than that he care about me, but I always get treated like crap.
22. I love to read & I love school
23. Older guys are more attractive but usually have more drama
24. I am a sucker for chips and salsa.
25. I LOVE asparagus.
26. I can't stand when people use more than one paper towel at a time.
New Additions
28. I am such a social butterfly but I would rather sit at home by myself
29. I don't trust guys with my future so I don't think I will ever get married
30. I feel like I am doing nothing with my life, like my life is meaningless and I am contemplating serving a mission.
31. As much as I love my life, I also wish quite frequently that it were over. I am done. I am ready to go "HOME".
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
A Mandi Popsicle
So.....I turn 23 on the 28th. Please make sure to tell me how amazing I am. My magic mirror broke so now everyday when I get up I have to tell MYSELF how beautiful I am when I look in the mirror. Not as much fun as having someone else tell you. Now where are my 7 drawfs? Hmph.
Sorry for the randomness....the cold is getting to my brain!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
"I will never regret loving you, only believing you loved me too."
The Tooth Fairy
Regardless, what can I tell you that you did not know a week ago? November 3rd. I will not expand on that other than to say I terribly miss my MCC. My heart hurts. I am smiling through my broken heart. The question is, when your heart is already destroyed and broken and turned into mush, can it ever really be broken again? That is how I feel now. I fail to fall asleep because I am stressed about it.
"Losing you is like losing my heart."
Speaking of sleep... this is the second time I have had a dream about my teeth falling out. The first time I had that dream was October 3, 2006 and now just over a year later the same thing. In another blog I have I blogged about my teeth falling out. I had a dream that three of my teeth came out and it was the most real dream. I could feel them as I squished my tounge through my mouth and the teeth would pop out of my gums and then I would spit them into my hand. Well ladies and gentlemen, last night I had another dream but this time I lost ALL of my teeth!! Odd huh? It was so real in my dream. I could feel it all!! I wish I could link you to my other blog but you wouldn't be able to read it. It doesn't really say anything anyway. It did list a lot of the interpretations on losing your teeth although none of them fit me last time and a year later they still don't make sense.
Here are the ones that probably make the most sense for me, especially since I have been sooooooo sick for the past two months off and on.
Traditionally, it was thought that dreaming that you did not have teeth, represent malnutrition which may be applicable to some dreamers.
Other Perspectives
A scriptural interpretation for bad or falling teeth indicate that you are putting your faith, trust, and beliefs in what man thinks rather than in the word of God. The bible says that God speaks once, yea twice in a dream or a vision in order to hide pride from us, to keep us back from the pit, to open our ears (spiritually) and to instruct and correct us.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
November 3rd
Well... I just wanted to say WELCOME TO NOVEMBER 3RD!! It is my second anniversary of remembering Nov 3rd. I don't know that I really want to explain all that much about it other than that it was a day that I found out how much I really care about a dear friend who I found out had been deceiving a few people, and the day I met someone who has shaped my life since that day. I can honestly say a lot of my life could be very different if I had never met this person.
Secondly, It is now one full official year since I started my blog on blogspot. HAPPY 1st Birthday to my blog!! Well.. actually it is the day BEFORE I started my blog but since it is the day before I consider it a whole year b/c technically wouldn't tomorrow be a year and a day? I dunno the technicalities.....anyway.... it is two in the morning so maybe I will blog more later.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Good Teeth
Well boys & girls.... lately my teeth have not been feeling right and I could not put off going to the dentist until December when I go home again so I made a dentist appointment up here in Utah. I found a dentist who graduated from the University of Texas San Antonio so he seemed like a winner. As I came in they needed to take x-rays of my teeth. As the hygienist walked back I heard her co-worker offer assistance. "Do you need 8?"
"No, I only need 4. That girl has REALLY NICE TEETH." That made me feel really good.
So... she does her thing and waits for the dentist to come check me out and he was like WOW. You have really nice teeth!
Don't ask me why this makes me feel so good. My REAL dentist always told me how nice and naturally white my teeth were but...yeah. Seriously folks, teeth are not a big deal but it's nice to have people say nice things about you.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
"A Few Good Men" In My Life
"Why do you like them so much?"
"Because they stand on a wall and say don't worry about it. Nothing is going to hurt you tonight. NOT ON MY WATCH."
- A few good men
So there have been a lot of things that I have wanted to post I just haven't found a way to form the words eloquently and organized enough to give them what they deserve so I haven't really posted. There have been dozens of events and quotes that have made me really search deep inside my soul lately to consider the full meaning and beauty of it all. I have made a list but I don't know that I will post them until they have been fully formed.
In the meantime something to keep you going is a thought that is quite often on my mind. Recently I have realized that I know a lot more people in the military than the average bear. The majority of these people are officers. They did not just join the military as an afterthought, or out of boredom, or as a spontaneous effort to improve their economic status. They have spent years of training to achieve this goal. I have friends in all three major military academies. This requires hard work, leadership, competitiveness, congressional nominations, and most importantly determination and self discipline to continue to be treated like crap for four years. For most, 18-24 is a time in your life when you get to be selfish. Most kids are out having fun, going to college, partying, sleeping in, skipping class, and just basically being retarded in a path to grow, learn and find out who you are. While I was doing that, I had friends in the academies that have severe restriction, must prove physical and mental stamina, and have their every move controlled by the U.S Government via the academy. I couldn't wait to move out when my parents had a curfew on me when I was 18. My friends moved out knowingly to rules such as not being able to leave campus on the weekends, and not only that they would have to be on duty. The few weekends they get to leave they have to be in uniform and can only go a few miles from the academy. Each year they get more liberty but they must first prove themself. They wake up early, go to bed late and know that there is no sleeping in. Of them is demanded everything and they willingly do it. They do it b/c they know they are being trained to be some of the nation's best.
I have a few other friends that don't go to the academies. Rather I have several friends that are in Iraq and a few that are on their second tour of Iraq.
I cannot begin to tell you how often I feel so indebted to them. I have the utmost respect for the men and women that serve our country. The caliber of the men and women that put their lives on the line to represent us, to fight for a cause whether good or bad. They are told to fight and they don't ask questions. They just do it. I am not worried about our nation. With leaders like them, I know our country is in good hands.

Jesse Palmer. Currently in Iraq.

There are many many more of my friends I don't have pictures of. I respect them greatly. Words cannot express the gratitude, respect, and devotion I feel for them.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

A shout out to my sissy "EC pie poo!" Twenty six years ago eh hem SORRY!! I FORGOT ...."TWENTY TWO" years ago...(plus four) she was brought into this world! Marie has been a strength and an example to me throughout my entire life. While most older sisters don't want anything to do with their younger siblings, especially one that is three YEARS younger, Marie always wanted me to hang out with her friends. Whether she was 10,15, 18, or 21+ she not only invited but often coerced me to go out/hang out with her and her friends. It was always made a point to let me know I was wanted. She often encouraged me to do more, be more, and to become more. Anyone who is around Marie knows why she is so awesome. Her laugh, (how can that be a REAL laugh? TEE HEE? HEE HEE HEE- yes she really laughs like that) is contagious and heard often. She is such a hard worker, a great sister, and an amazing aunt! She has a heart made of gold and I am so grateful she is in my life! I <3 you Sissy Duckling!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Jail House Rock
Sunday, September 30, 2007
For Statistics II I have a study group that consists of me and four guys (all married thank you) and they are some of the funniest people ever. I don't think I have ever loved a study group like these boys. We spend quite a number of hours together every week and we have come to have our own lingo. For example Matt likes to say " I'm going to p-value in your face" quite often while Jacob is going to "f-stat someone up" if they don't do what he wants. My favorite phrase is to tell Adrian to "Be there or be Chi Square" because he shows up late to the study groups.
(The symbol for Chi is very similar to X and used to stand for the unknown- that is also how you get CHrIstmas being turned into X-mas -chi mas-for those of you who did not know that story- my stats teacher taught us that)
It is no longer uncommon for the five of us to be walking to our car incorporating some sort of statistics lingo into a threat and getting many stares as if we are some freak of nature. Please.... the MATHLETES wish they could be as COOL as we are!!! Anyway.... I was thinking about that and it made me laugh. I thought you would enjoy that dad. I mean I know you knew I was a nerd but now this is even more proof!!
LONG LIVE STATS!! OK not really I am soooooo ready for this to be over because two semesters of statistics is enough to kill a girl!
Time to Wake Up
here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are
as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when september ends
September has been one of my least favorite months for a few years now. I just associate it with events that aren't the best memories. I can't even begin to describe to you how much I enjoyed pressing repeat when Greenday came out with this song. As I was sitting here I realized that I am in the last few hours of September for another 11 months. Although I no longer resent Septembers as much as I have in years gone by I still feel some sort of accomplishment, as if I have come off conqueror, when September ends. Goodbye September! Welcome October! Welcome the rest of the year! It is time to wake up.
A Trip to Idy Ho
Circa early December 2005
& Now September 29,2007

& with his lovely wife Jen ( I didn't get the memo the reception was casual)

Friday, September 28, 2007
Thirty Years Ago Today
My WifeTrusty, dusky, vivid, true,
With eyes of gold and bramble-dew,
Steel-true and blade-straight,
The great artificer
Made my mate.
Honour, anger, valour, fire;
A love that life could never tire,
Death quench or evil stir,
The mighty master
Gave to her.
Teacher, tender, comrade, wife,
A fellow-farer true through life,
Heart-whole and soul-free
The august father
Gave to me.
-Robert Louis Stevenson
Mom & Dad, I know I have told you before but I am extra grateful today as I think of thirty years of marriage. I know it has been hard but I am grateful for all that you have each individually and as a team done for me. Happy Anniversary!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Do you have your game face on?
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I know Heavenly Father loves me
When there are times that I do not feel at home in Utah I just look outside and am in utter awe and amazement at the beauty of the mountains and everything surrounding me. I am grateful that even though I have no spouse, no best friend, no family member in Utah... I still have my Heavenly Father!
I am not the most perfect person or even the best church member but I do have a testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
I know some of you may read this and b/c you can't hear the tone of my voice think that I am sad. On the contrary! How wonderful! About a week ago I received a COMPLETELY random e-mail from some girl I have only known in passing for the past ten years or so because she is about four of five years younger than I am. I doubt I have said more than 20 words to her in my life. She has no clue what is going on in my life but yet she felt compelled to send me the message. The email was short and simply stated she did not feel sorry for me. It was clear the message was supposed to be contentious and malicious yet it brought happiness. I have no clue what brought this on but as I was chuckling to myself and wondering what this was about I couldn't help but to be overwhelmed with happiness.
You don't feel sorry for me?!! What in the world is there to feel sorry about?
I have so many blessings in my life. I don't think I have EVER been happier in my life than right now! (Granted I am not 100% content because there is ALWAYS room for improvement but I digress)Why would ANYONE feel sorry for me? Not only am I surrounded by such physical beauty but I have been given the opportunity to grow, to find out in greater depth who I really am and what I am all about. Being in almost complete solitude for a few months away from friends and family will do that to you.
As I walk into work everyday I say a little, "Hello " to the Angel Moroni atop the Salt Lake City temple maybe 50 ft from me and thank Heavenly Father for my many blessings and mostly for the atonement and the gift of repentance because Heaven only knows I NEED IT! I am grateful to live near so many temples. I am grateful I got to go to President Faust's funeral and to have President Monson go to my work Christmas party. I got to meet him in person! I also ran into President Perry in the mall. I am grateful I have seen a living prophet speak just feet from me. I have been given so many spiritual opportunities for learning and growth that are only provided on such a regular basis in Utah, and mainly downtown Salt Lake City. To interact so closely with so many wonderful men who have devoted their lives to God, (and their family) and that stand as symbols of ultimate servants to God across the WORLD has truly filled my soul with happiness. You can't help but to feel happy around men like that. I am grateful for my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
My family, though far away and full of imperfections are the most amazing people in the world to me. They make me laugh constantly and I am grateful to be sealed to them for all eternity. I receive random phone calls from my two nieces age 2 and 6 just because they miss me and want to talk to me. That lights up my day everytime! Don't feel sorry for me. My family is amazing.
School has been a blast and things are going well. Living on campus, going to football games and tailgate parties, being involved with a great sorority.... I really feel as if I have had the opportunity to have a great college experience. I will have a Bachelor's degree with a major and a minor in May. Don't feel sorry for me. I feel I have succeeded academically.
I have one of the most amazing internships someone could ask for. Don't feel sorry for me. I have succeeded professionally.
As far as boys are concerned I have no care in the world to attach myself to one but I have some of the most amazing boys that care about me and offer their friendship to me. As far as flirting is concerned there is always someone at my disposal and I harbor what I believe to be feelings of love that might one day manifest them self but for now lay dormant because that is the way I want it. Don't feel sorry for me. I have the love life I desire.
And apparently my life is so interesting that even people who aren't my friends want to know what is going on. So trust me....don't feel sorry for me. I have not solicited pity from anyone, friends or otherwise. I do not want your pity. I want to celebrate the fact I have been given so much in life!
Now, the question is,"What will I do with it?"
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Yeah? What about them? Well.... I love them. I love the feelings/emotions, thoughts, and memories they invoke. I like how if I am sad I can turn on a funky song to make me smile and dance or if I want to sit and cry I can turn on another song to empathize with me. I have so many stories about so many songs. When I hear a certain song if only for a fleeting moment I am taken back to certain times of my life or particular scenes and it makes me laugh, or cry... whatever. haha.
And can I just say how much I am annoyed that I can never express fully how I feel when I try to convert thoughts into words? How does that work? I think in English, I type in English... so why do they (my thoughts) never come out right?
Can I just say how ironic it is that I took a break from typing to think and wander and Christina's site has three songs on it... JUST MY POINT. Songs convey feelings so much better than just saying things sometimes. Almost always my "status" (AMANDA IS......FILL IN THE BLANK) on facebook is some sort of line from a song because it just says things better.
And I haven't typed in like five minutes from the line above b/c now I am listening to music and missing people.
P.S. Christina ....I love that song! You are lucky to have such a cute husband! I can't believe he sang that to you!!
Monday, August 20, 2007
On the Water
Here are some pictures. I hope you enjoy them! They are slightly blurry b/c the boat was moving as well as me on the water but still....

Thursday, August 16, 2007
It's been a while
Sorry but I am finally back online! I obviously didn't want to update while I was home. I was having too much fun visiting with friends and family. It was so nice. After being in Houston for less than an hour I was eating Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla !! I am not a big ice cream fan but I love me some Blue Bell Vanilla. I got to go to San Antonio to see my sister Tina and I coudln't ask for a better trip up there!! Matt is soooo freaking fun!! I can't remember having that much fun on a ride to San Antonio with anyone EVER!! We talked, sang, played with a baseball... and just had a ton of fun. Well...at least I had a ton of fun... I don't know about him. So... I was in San An for a day and a half and then it was time to come back home. Matt already had to be in San Antonio so he just dropped me off while he did his thing and picked me back up when it was time to go home. So... I am kinda exhausted. I moved into a condo with a girl who used to be in my ward and two other girls... and moving was exhausting. I am still trying to get everything in order. So... yeah.. that's about it for now. I know this is so random... but I just thought I would update. School starts on Monday. BLAH. I am ready for a loooong break from school!
My heart is still in Houston.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Because I will be gone for the next Ten Days!
Well...I am going home for about ten days and then when I get back I will be all unsettled in my new place so I highly doubt I will be on this for the next two weeks or so. That is actually quite sad. Today as I was packing I found my journal. Can you believe I used to write in that thing almost everyday for a year and then in just a few pages it spans about five years!! I almost feel like that in not writing for two weeks...but I promise I will update when I get back! If I take my laptop with me I will probably update but I am going to try and leave it here b/c I seriously won't need the internet while I am home! I just want to relax and see family and hang out with all my friends......and EAT!! Oh I can't wait to go back to a city that has such wonderful food! Salt Lake City is known for MANY things..... their great dining would not be one of them!! haha. Except for Mikado...seriously THE best sushi hands down I have EVER had in my life! YUMMY! Eighteen hours till I board a plane on my way home!! YAY!!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Cinco mas dias
I know how Mr. Buble feels when he sings " I wanna go home"
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
July 24th
As I was leaving work yesterday I passed through Deseret Book and I saw the new Harry Potter book. Everyone knows how much I love Harry Potter but I decided I would not buy it until school was over. As I passed it I lightly slid my fingers across the cover and I couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement. "OK. I will buy it but only as a reward to great studying!! You are NOT allowed to open its covers until you are DONE with school!" I told myself!
Well... last night was quite uneventful and so I decided I had two hours to kill before I fell asleep...just a bit...just enough to where I would be excited to finish my studies and get to delve into the pages....well... as we all know what a SUCKER for reading I am... as was the case with the very first book so it held true to the last book...I was engulfed by the humour and mystery and magical wonder of it all from the very first sentence!! I did go to bed on time but only to awake and spend my whole day finishing it! Seven hundred and fifty nine pages of pure joy! Ms. Rowling sure is one heck of a writer! For those of you who I know are still reading it or maybe waiting for a more opportune time to read it......HAPPY READING!
yes. yes. YES I KNOW!! I am a complete and utter nerd! We established this YEARS ago. My father was a Treky...and I am in love with Harry Potter. We all have our dirty little secrets! ;-)
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Here...and then gone
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
EWW I am NOT a fan of Economics
My brother also came in town yesterday to visit me. He is in Idaho right now because I have a midterm at seven in the morning (SICK RIGHT?) so I didn't want him to be bored while I studied all day. He will return tomorrow though and my sister Marie will be with him so I am suuuuuuuuper excited for that! My family is the one of the few things that ALWAYS makes me happy! OK I better go.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
I'll Hogle YOU!
My friend Anita is an RA and she was taking her floor to the Hogle Zoo which is about a mile from where we live. She invited me and my roomate as well so we had a fun time.

MY BROTHER WILL BE IN TOWN TOMORROW!! I am soooooooooo excited!! I need my family!!
Saturday, July 07, 2007
I don't know what it is.....I just really have not been happy and just been gloomy. Someone needs to kick me in the bee-hind.
Ummm the fourth of July was probably the highlight of my week. I went to the pool by myself around lunchtime and then met up with Nick Ferrin for lunch. We tried this restaurant called Ruby River and it wasn't that great but it was still fun. I thought it was going to be BBQ but it was just a steakhouse and we all know I don't eat anyone's steak but my daddy's!! After dinner Nick dropped me off at Franklin Covey Field which is where the Salt Lake Bees (minor league) play.

Alright well I have a TON of homework I am not even close to finishing so I suppose I'd better go!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Movie in a Park anyone?
Last night Kensie and I also had a little get together at her house. IT was AMAZING. There really weren't too many people there but her dad is an event planner so it was sooooooo gorgeous. This girl really goes all out for everything. Decorations, the way the food was presented, this girl has it in her to plan ANYTHING. It really was a lot of fun!
So.... I had a really homesick day the other day. I think I am going to try and come home for a week in August. Either the 3-12 or the 13-20. School starts the 20th so I don't know if I really want to be gone the week before school starts. My finals aren't until the 3rd though so I have to be here until then. I just really want a break from Utah and I want to see my friends and I want tons and tons of hugs!! Well...that's about it. Like I said... I didn't really have too much to talk about but it's an update none the less. The.End.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
I Miss my Papa John
OK so I miss my family in GENERAL but still......my dad makes some of the BEST pancakes around! Had I of been home I could have begged and pleaded and puppy dog eyed my way into getting him to make them for me.....or at least I could have made the batter and HE would have cooked them....but NO....I had to make them all by myself on Saturday morning and that's what I get! I put oil on the bottom of the pan and everything was fine until I went to flip it over......BAM Oil went through my shirt and I have like ......wait let me count them NINE oil burns on my tummy! Four of which are rather large. I had to go to Walgreen's to buy mederma so hopefully the scars will go away. I am telling you people.....please come visit me while you can b.c everyday I get more and more scars and bad things that happen to my body...in a few years I am going to be a MONSTER!
I was going to post pictures of the burns but they are on my tummy and being a girl and I ....yeah...self conscious...and don't really want anyone to see those right now. Maybe if I lost 500 pounds!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Bored at Work
Guys... Sometimes I wonder if I shall ever finish school! :( Summer school is almost over but after that who knows how long. I just want to be DONE! I have worked hard... I DESERVE IT! Too bad I am also getting my MASTERS degree....UGH! School is NEVER going to end!
I just want to finish school and start making LOTS of money so I won't have to be in debt! Plus... I told my mom I would pay for stuff when I am rich so that she doesn't have to work anymore. My poor mommy! With her diabetes she doesn't handle age as well as everyone else. She loves what she does but she just can't work too much longer. How strange is that?!?! I sometimes feel as if my mom is just as old as I am or just a little older. I really feel she is an equal-a person too... while still respecting her as my mother. I know you may say...a person too? Yeah... I never used to think of my mom as a PERSON ....someone who worries, someone who wants to have fun, someone who is still 16 at heart in a grown up's body....she was just MOM. Like there were two categories....PEOPLE.....and Parents/grandparents/old people in general. I guess the older I get the more I realize EVERYONE is just a 16 year old in a grown up's body.
Well there is tons more I could say to that but I should go. Catch ya on the FLIP SIDE!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Photo Shoot

This Weekend
So...the weekend came along and I really wasn't too happy. I hate weekends b/c I have nothing to do and no one to hang out with. At least during the week I have work and school to keep my busy. I had a study group first thing Saturday morning for my stats midterm that is coming up on Monday but after that was over I had nothing to do. I mean homework but that is about it. Sometimes I hate being in Utah because I always had someone to hang out with or something to do in Texas and now I have no one. I was really sitting around being pretty mopey.
As I watched Cheaper by the dozen I started to cry b/c I wished I had my family around. As that happened my phone rang and this girl from my ward invited me on a hike. I don't really know the girl that well but it was really nice of her and I was so thankful b/c I really wanted to get out of the house.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
I miss the good days.
I miss the good times.
So much has changed.
... I feel left behind.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Calculus on the Brain...litterally
I hate procrastination!
So... speaking of....I needed a study break so I took some pictures and also thought I would post pictures of my hike up Grandeaur Peak on Monday. Enjoy.