After serious internal debate ( because I haven't been feeling well and didn't know if I should take the trip)I went up to Idaho this past weekend for a reception of a dear friend of mine Mr. Mathew (yes with one T) Haderlie. I formerly knew him as Elder Haderlie of the Breaker Apartments in Texas City TX. Mat and Mitch (Elder Rowbury) were very instrumental in my life. They became some of my dearest friends. I know being friends with a single young female who lives doors down from you is most always discouraged in the mission field but I am grateful for two young men who broke rules ( in a wise way). Nothing even REMOTELY bad or scandalous ever EVER happened, we just spent more time together than any mission president would ever want two missionaries spending with a girl. I suppose if I had been male it would have been more ideal. In a very difficult time in my life they never shoved the gospel down my throat but instead would show up on my doorstep with Blue Bell ice cream 20 minutes or so before they were supposed to be home so we could chat about our terrible & always event filled days. I beamed with joy when I would come home late at night after a long day of work and night school and there would be the shimmer of a fluorescent sticky note on my door letting me know they had dropped by. On my 21st birthday after weeks of stress from breaking up with my boyfriend, being automatically promoted when it turned out a trusted friend/colleague/supervisor wasn't being the most honest person and got fired, taking a three hour exam for my 21st birthday, Mat and Mitch showed up singing on my doorstep with a tiny little cake that said Happy Birthday Mandi and two candles that spelled out 21. They were also they only ones to remember my birthday that year. Everyone else forgot. It was in their friendship that I found strength at times when I thought I had no strength of my own. I must admit they often became Mitch and Mat instead of Elder... but as I reflect back I realize that they were just young men who needed my friendship just as much as I needed theirs. Mitch was having a difficult time and just wasn't allowed to focus on his personal life very much out on his mission. As time has passed I haven't seen either of them or kept in contact with either of them very well. However, this past weekend I got to see them both though I am somewhat longed to see them together again. Three M would have been reunited at long last after nearly two years!!! (Mitch, Mandi and Mat shown in that order below L-R) Alas, it did not happen. I saw Mitch and I saw Mat but I didn't see them together. It was so awesome to see Mat married and so overcome with happiness to be sealed to his sweetheart. I am mad that I forgot to take a picture with Mitch. Although I ended up spending Saturday night bent over a toilet I am glad I made the trip up. Besides, I got to see my sister... and family always makes me happy!
Circa early December 2005 & Now September 29,2007 & with his lovely wife Jen ( I didn't get the memo the reception was casual)
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