Sunday, September 30, 2007


Wow... I rarely post more than once a day but I am just sitting here wasting time. I suppose I should be in bed but I am awake. So I just wanted to share with those of you who know what an ABSOLUTE NERD I am...

For Statistics II I have a study group that consists of me and four guys (all married thank you) and they are some of the funniest people ever. I don't think I have ever loved a study group like these boys. We spend quite a number of hours together every week and we have come to have our own lingo. For example Matt likes to say " I'm going to p-value in your face" quite often while Jacob is going to "f-stat someone up" if they don't do what he wants. My favorite phrase is to tell Adrian to "Be there or be Chi Square" because he shows up late to the study groups.

(The symbol for Chi is very similar to X and used to stand for the unknown- that is also how you get CHrIstmas being turned into X-mas -chi mas-for those of you who did not know that story- my stats teacher taught us that)

It is no longer uncommon for the five of us to be walking to our car incorporating some sort of statistics lingo into a threat and getting many stares as if we are some freak of nature. Please.... the MATHLETES wish they could be as COOL as we are!!! Anyway.... I was thinking about that and it made me laugh. I thought you would enjoy that dad. I mean I know you knew I was a nerd but now this is even more proof!!

LONG LIVE STATS!! OK not really I am soooooo ready for this to be over because two semesters of statistics is enough to kill a girl!

1 comment:

  1. HI. Just thought I'd say hello before I head to bed an hour late. I'm glad you keep a blog, I don't know anyone else from Houston that does. You rock.
