OK so all I do is think about Calculus lately. That is not to say that is all I DO... but I stress about it a lot. Take for example...TODAY. It was a nice, beautiful, HOT sunny Utah day today and instead of going outside I sat in my room all day. I woke up and thought...I should really get started on Calc...and then I didn't want to so I watched a movie on TV the whole time thinking...I should do calc...and then around three I actually sat at my desk and cleaned off the desk in attempt to lay out my book and start doing homework. I took an hour break to trek out to Sonic to eat some familiar food and then when I came back it was about 7....ok I have four sections to finish so I'd better get started.......so here it is...9 o clock and I have only spent two hours actually DOING homework and like twelve hours THINKING about it...now if only in this case it were the thought that counts. One section down, three to go...and a business stats test to do all before Monday morning rolls around...
I hate procrastination!
So... speaking of....I needed a study break so I took some pictures and also thought I would post pictures of my hike up Grandeaur Peak on Monday. Enjoy.

Half Way to the top

3/4 of the way there

almost there...I don't think you grasp how high this was!

I made it! This was one view from the top. I was soooo angry when I got to the top I hardly took any pictures. I was mad someone fooled me into thinking hiking to the top would be fun. All it was, was a LOT of hard work and three hours of climbing straight UP. UGH! I am glad I did it though!

I told you...calculus on the brain

Someone help... I am not too fond of tons of Math
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