Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Better Than Cupcakes

I am not a real sweet tooth kind of gal. But... every once in a while I crave a really good cupcake ya know? Or... a really awesome sugar cookie. As long as either is topped with almond buttercream frosting it really is like you are indulging on a piece of heaven. 

Well lately my mind has been indulging on a type of it's own cupcake. I am dreaming of a man whom I haven't met yet. He is brunette and has beautiful  eyes (yet to be determined) that pull you in from across the room. His hair looks like his just stepped out of bed and is slightly longer than his ears but not too much. His face is not shaved and has four days of 5 oclock shadows under his belt. Somehow it still looks incredibly attractive and what makes him even more appealing is the half smile he will smile that will melt my heart. His crumpled t-shirt and unwashed jeans should make me walk the other way but who is looking at his clothes? I'm hoping that his taste in music is superb and that he digs the Irish/folksy influenced stuff that has been spilling out of my speakers lately.

Yes... Yes... he has been in my dreams but I don't know who he is. Maybe if I actually socialized with the world instead of locking myself up in my room reading books and listening to music I would find him... 

In the words of Raquel Ramon... "Where the H is my hot man?!?!"


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I know, right? Love your man, sounds pretty close to my idea of a catch too....oh but maybe a blonde, you know me and blond men! hahaha Girl hell yes, we gonna find our dreambaots some day! ;)

  2. You're describing Rob Pattinson...ya know, the whole un-showered thing?!! You'll find him as soon as you stop looking. That's what happened with me and Casey.
