Sunday, January 03, 2010

New Years @ Church

One of my New Years informal resolutions is to be better "at church." (as well as blogging more, can you tell? ) Meaning, be more diligent in reading scriptures, saying my prayers, going to the temple, personally getting to know those I visit teach... all that jazz. I do those things now... I just don't do them like I should be doing them.

I am really excited to start the new year with Gospel Principles, our new manual. In Relief Society it was discussed that too many times we get lost in the doctrine and we forget to go back to the basics. I think this is a great year for me to remember the basics of what I believe in, and why I CHOOSE to live a different life.

This morning my roommates were going to breakfast as I was running late for church. The invitation was offered for me to come. I REALLY wanted to go, but I non chalantly declined. When Rita said she was sorry I couldn't come I made sure to let her know that I could, but I was choosing to go to church. I really like the video below and I think it is a good reminder that we all need to choose today to serve God.


  1. i miss and love you

  2. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Yeah.. this is goal of mine too. I like how you say it. Better at church. :) It's true, we choose this life! And for good reason.

  3. Personally, I am trying to master the 10 commandments and re-memorize the 13 Articles of Faith.

