Saturday, August 23, 2008

Confessions of a 23 year old tired girl

I am exhausted. I was at a friends house and drove home fully intending to immediately crawl into my soft, cool sheets and pass out from exhaustion. Instead I got several texts back to back and I pulled into my garage and walked up the stairs and decided to check Google reader before bed. There was a post of a cartoon on a somewhat negative aspect of my religion. The blog said everything in it was true according to my religion so I decided to watch all seven minutes. Needless to say that was the furthest statement from the truth, I am a little more awake and decided to blog since I was already signed in.

My sheets await me so this might be short. I had quite possibly the worst day of my life Wednesday night/Thursday. I don't want to go into detail. It was just awful. I have never felt so scared and upset and helpless and not in control and... a million other feelings. As I was trying to deal with the situation at hand and as tears are softly streaming down my face I immediately wanted a particular person to be with me in that situation. I felt if that person was there everything would be better. And for a moment, the situation at hand was put on pause because I had shocked even myself with this thought. I quickly snapped into reality but that thought has been haunting me since. I knew I was fond of this person I just didn't know how much.

I will continue to pull myself away. I do it with everyone, everytime. I am too afraid to get hurt again, I am too afraid to be rejected. Ultimately, that is what happens and I would rather pass on that.

Sleep anyone?


  1. I have done countless hours of research, and can provide documentation that EVERY statement in that video is true.

    Like I've said, just because they don't teach it in church anymore doesn't mean it's a lie.

    Let me know if you want any sources to look up. Everything I can show you is "LDS-approved" -- all written by leaders of the church.

    Don't be scared of your own religion's history.

    And don't accuse me of not knowing what I'm talking about. I am not a liar, and I am not stupid.

    Maybe you should see what your bishop has to say about it... if he's a knowledgeable man, he shouldn't be able to deny anything in there.

    Make sure you know your facts BEFORE you start making accusations of falsification.

  2. Unfortunately people are always going to have something negative to say about every religion. I think sometimes people should just keep their mouths shut about it, because for every fact that someone has, someone else will have another fact that proves them wrong. I don't know how the Mormon religion works, but I know for Catholics you are advised not to read the Bible on your own and trying to interpret it yourself. That is why you have Fathers, Preachers, Pastors, etc. Much can be misinterpreted. I admire you Mandy for always stating your opinion on things. Even if you know the person who it is directed at is going to read! :) You are an inspiration!

    I always love your blogs!!!

  3. Okay... I went to make me some lunch, the realized I had more to say. :) I think that when it comes to religion and science, facts can sometimes be proven wrong with other facts. Simply because every religion believes they are THE religion. And because religions have evolved greatly. Just like science. Before people thought that the world was flat. That was a fact. Now, we read and see that the fact is that the world isn't flat. Yet I am sure you can still find old books that state the fact is it is flat. So Mandi maybe you are right... :) and those things about your religion are no longer true today.
