My little/younger/only brother was named after my dad. He does have a suffix on his name though. II. I love it.
I am off to take a final in just a few short minutes so this will be brief and most likely expounded upon in greater detail in the following days.
I love my brother with all of my heart! He gets on my EVER lovin last nerves sometimes but he is the only brother I have. He is one of my best friends. He treats me as if he looks up to me. I look up to him sometimes. I have only seen him cry once after the age of 10 and it was due to serious illness when he had to be taken to the hospital. He called me crying another time. He is one of the most amazing men I have ever met. He is dedicated, hardworking, and a true southern gentlemen.
I suppose one of the reasons I never date anyone for long is because no one ever treats me with half the respect or chivalry my brother treats me with. My phrase is, "if my brother does it for me I expect the guy I am dating to do it for me." If you can't open my car door or the door in general, get the heck out of here. That is just a basic. My brother makes sure that all four of his sisters and his dear mother are treated with the utmost respect.
He is our knight in shining armor.
P.S. He is flying in to Salt Lake today and I haven't seen him in a long time so that's the reason for the post.

hahahahahaha this is the first time i've seen a picture of the man-boy who wrote me.
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