Wow... I rarely post more than once a day but I am just sitting here wasting time. I suppose I should be in bed but I am awake. So I just wanted to share with those of you who know what an ABSOLUTE NERD I am...
For Statistics II I have a study group that consists of me and four guys (all married thank you) and they are some of the funniest people ever. I don't think I have ever loved a study group like these boys. We spend quite a number of hours together every week and we have come to have our own lingo. For example Matt likes to say " I'm going to p-value in your face" quite often while Jacob is going to "f-stat someone up" if they don't do what he wants. My favorite phrase is to tell Adrian to "Be there or be Chi Square" because he shows up late to the study groups.
(The symbol for Chi is very similar to X and used to stand for the unknown- that is also how you get CHrIstmas being turned into X-mas -chi mas-for those of you who did not know that story- my stats teacher taught us that)
It is no longer uncommon for the five of us to be walking to our car incorporating some sort of statistics lingo into a threat and getting many stares as if we are some freak of nature. Please.... the MATHLETES wish they could be as COOL as we are!!! Anyway.... I was thinking about that and it made me laugh. I thought you would enjoy that dad. I mean I know you knew I was a nerd but now this is even more proof!!
LONG LIVE STATS!! OK not really I am soooooo ready for this to be over because two semesters of statistics is enough to kill a girl!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Time to Wake Up
One last thought before I go. This is an excerpt from the song "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Greenday.
September has been one of my least favorite months for a few years now. I just associate it with events that aren't the best memories. I can't even begin to describe to you how much I enjoyed pressing repeat when Greenday came out with this song. As I was sitting here I realized that I am in the last few hours of September for another 11 months. Although I no longer resent Septembers as much as I have in years gone by I still feel some sort of accomplishment, as if I have come off conqueror, when September ends. Goodbye September! Welcome October! Welcome the rest of the year! It is time to wake up.
here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are
as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when september ends
September has been one of my least favorite months for a few years now. I just associate it with events that aren't the best memories. I can't even begin to describe to you how much I enjoyed pressing repeat when Greenday came out with this song. As I was sitting here I realized that I am in the last few hours of September for another 11 months. Although I no longer resent Septembers as much as I have in years gone by I still feel some sort of accomplishment, as if I have come off conqueror, when September ends. Goodbye September! Welcome October! Welcome the rest of the year! It is time to wake up.
A Trip to Idy Ho
After serious internal debate ( because I haven't been feeling well and didn't know if I should take the trip)I went up to Idaho this past weekend for a reception of a dear friend of mine Mr. Mathew (yes with one T) Haderlie. I formerly knew him as Elder Haderlie of the Breaker Apartments in Texas City TX. Mat and Mitch (Elder Rowbury) were very instrumental in my life. They became some of my dearest friends. I know being friends with a single young female who lives doors down from you is most always discouraged in the mission field but I am grateful for two young men who broke rules ( in a wise way). Nothing even REMOTELY bad or scandalous ever EVER happened, we just spent more time together than any mission president would ever want two missionaries spending with a girl. I suppose if I had been male it would have been more ideal. In a very difficult time in my life they never shoved the gospel down my throat but instead would show up on my doorstep with Blue Bell ice cream 20 minutes or so before they were supposed to be home so we could chat about our terrible & always event filled days.
I beamed with joy when I would come home late at night after a long day of work and night school and there would be the shimmer of a fluorescent sticky note on my door letting me know they had dropped by. On my 21st birthday after weeks of stress from breaking up with my boyfriend, being automatically promoted when it turned out a trusted friend/colleague/supervisor wasn't being the most honest person and got fired, taking a three hour exam for my 21st birthday, Mat and Mitch showed up singing on my doorstep with a tiny little cake that said Happy Birthday Mandi and two candles that spelled out 21. They were also they only ones to remember my birthday that year. Everyone else forgot.
It was in their friendship that I found strength at times when I thought I had no strength of my own. I must admit they often became Mitch and Mat instead of Elder... but as I reflect back I realize that they were just young men who needed my friendship just as much as I needed theirs. Mitch was having a difficult time and just wasn't allowed to focus on his personal life very much out on his mission. As time has passed I haven't seen either of them or kept in contact with either of them very well. However, this past weekend I got to see them both though I am somewhat longed to see them together again. Three M would have been reunited at long last after nearly two years!!! (Mitch, Mandi and Mat shown in that order below L-R)
Alas, it did not happen. I saw Mitch and I saw Mat but I didn't see them together. It was so awesome to see Mat married and so overcome with happiness to be sealed to his sweetheart. I am mad that I forgot to take a picture with Mitch. Although I ended up spending Saturday night bent over a toilet I am glad I made the trip up. Besides, I got to see my sister... and family always makes me happy!
Circa early December 2005
& Now September 29,2007
& with his lovely wife Jen ( I didn't get the memo the reception was casual)
Circa early December 2005
& Now September 29,2007

& with his lovely wife Jen ( I didn't get the memo the reception was casual)

Friday, September 28, 2007
Thirty Years Ago Today
My WifeTrusty, dusky, vivid, true,
With eyes of gold and bramble-dew,
Steel-true and blade-straight,
The great artificer
Made my mate.
Honour, anger, valour, fire;
A love that life could never tire,
Death quench or evil stir,
The mighty master
Gave to her.
Teacher, tender, comrade, wife,
A fellow-farer true through life,
Heart-whole and soul-free
The august father
Gave to me.
-Robert Louis Stevenson
I have often thought of this poem. I love it so much. Today I would like to dedicate it to my parents. What a humbling experience it was as I walked to work today from the parking garage to the building and as I saw the Salt Lake Temple I was so grateful for two young adults, thirty years ago today, who traveled over a day in the car from Houston, Texas to Salt Lake City, Utah to get married. No doubt scared to make one of the biggest decisions of their life and without a single family member there with them. As I walked, I took a moment of silence, and just imagined my mom and dad " John & Mirtia if you will" (Jade has inspired me to call everyone by their first name but I digress) walking up to the temple. What were they thinking, how did the city look... did they walk around temple square the night before? As I took my moment I swear I could see them walking there in front of me hand in hand and I wanted to wave. My mom was so beautiful and bodacious just as I always dreamt she was. My dad I imagined (but it was so real to me) was stern but cool. A man I hardly recognized even in my own imagination. They were so young with no kids. I wanted them to turn around and see me, I wanted to run to them and see them as JOHN & MIRTIA not mom and dad. I wanted to see them as people. I wanted to tell them all that thirty years would bring. Alas they kept walking and as I continued walking into the building they seemed to fade away into thin air. I kept walking and I secretly longed for them to be here thirty years later to recreate history and to help me in making history. They are my strength.
Mom & Dad, I know I have told you before but I am extra grateful today as I think of thirty years of marriage. I know it has been hard but I am grateful for all that you have each individually and as a team done for me. Happy Anniversary!
Mom & Dad, I know I have told you before but I am extra grateful today as I think of thirty years of marriage. I know it has been hard but I am grateful for all that you have each individually and as a team done for me. Happy Anniversary!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Do you have your game face on?
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I know Heavenly Father loves me
OK Sorry I have not posted in a while but I just have so much fun reading everyone else's blog.
When there are times that I do not feel at home in Utah I just look outside and am in utter awe and amazement at the beauty of the mountains and everything surrounding me. I am grateful that even though I have no spouse, no best friend, no family member in Utah... I still have my Heavenly Father!
I am not the most perfect person or even the best church member but I do have a testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
I know some of you may read this and b/c you can't hear the tone of my voice think that I am sad. On the contrary! How wonderful! About a week ago I received a COMPLETELY random e-mail from some girl I have only known in passing for the past ten years or so because she is about four of five years younger than I am. I doubt I have said more than 20 words to her in my life. She has no clue what is going on in my life but yet she felt compelled to send me the message. The email was short and simply stated she did not feel sorry for me. It was clear the message was supposed to be contentious and malicious yet it brought happiness. I have no clue what brought this on but as I was chuckling to myself and wondering what this was about I couldn't help but to be overwhelmed with happiness.
You don't feel sorry for me?!! What in the world is there to feel sorry about?
I have so many blessings in my life. I don't think I have EVER been happier in my life than right now! (Granted I am not 100% content because there is ALWAYS room for improvement but I digress)Why would ANYONE feel sorry for me? Not only am I surrounded by such physical beauty but I have been given the opportunity to grow, to find out in greater depth who I really am and what I am all about. Being in almost complete solitude for a few months away from friends and family will do that to you.
As I walk into work everyday I say a little, "Hello " to the Angel Moroni atop the Salt Lake City temple maybe 50 ft from me and thank Heavenly Father for my many blessings and mostly for the atonement and the gift of repentance because Heaven only knows I NEED IT! I am grateful to live near so many temples. I am grateful I got to go to President Faust's funeral and to have President Monson go to my work Christmas party. I got to meet him in person! I also ran into President Perry in the mall. I am grateful I have seen a living prophet speak just feet from me. I have been given so many spiritual opportunities for learning and growth that are only provided on such a regular basis in Utah, and mainly downtown Salt Lake City. To interact so closely with so many wonderful men who have devoted their lives to God, (and their family) and that stand as symbols of ultimate servants to God across the WORLD has truly filled my soul with happiness. You can't help but to feel happy around men like that. I am grateful for my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
My family, though far away and full of imperfections are the most amazing people in the world to me. They make me laugh constantly and I am grateful to be sealed to them for all eternity. I receive random phone calls from my two nieces age 2 and 6 just because they miss me and want to talk to me. That lights up my day everytime! Don't feel sorry for me. My family is amazing.
School has been a blast and things are going well. Living on campus, going to football games and tailgate parties, being involved with a great sorority.... I really feel as if I have had the opportunity to have a great college experience. I will have a Bachelor's degree with a major and a minor in May. Don't feel sorry for me. I feel I have succeeded academically.
I have one of the most amazing internships someone could ask for. Don't feel sorry for me. I have succeeded professionally.
As far as boys are concerned I have no care in the world to attach myself to one but I have some of the most amazing boys that care about me and offer their friendship to me. As far as flirting is concerned there is always someone at my disposal and I harbor what I believe to be feelings of love that might one day manifest them self but for now lay dormant because that is the way I want it. Don't feel sorry for me. I have the love life I desire.
And apparently my life is so interesting that even people who aren't my friends want to know what is going on. So trust me....don't feel sorry for me. I have not solicited pity from anyone, friends or otherwise. I do not want your pity. I want to celebrate the fact I have been given so much in life!
Now, the question is,"What will I do with it?"
When there are times that I do not feel at home in Utah I just look outside and am in utter awe and amazement at the beauty of the mountains and everything surrounding me. I am grateful that even though I have no spouse, no best friend, no family member in Utah... I still have my Heavenly Father!
I am not the most perfect person or even the best church member but I do have a testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
I know some of you may read this and b/c you can't hear the tone of my voice think that I am sad. On the contrary! How wonderful! About a week ago I received a COMPLETELY random e-mail from some girl I have only known in passing for the past ten years or so because she is about four of five years younger than I am. I doubt I have said more than 20 words to her in my life. She has no clue what is going on in my life but yet she felt compelled to send me the message. The email was short and simply stated she did not feel sorry for me. It was clear the message was supposed to be contentious and malicious yet it brought happiness. I have no clue what brought this on but as I was chuckling to myself and wondering what this was about I couldn't help but to be overwhelmed with happiness.
You don't feel sorry for me?!! What in the world is there to feel sorry about?
I have so many blessings in my life. I don't think I have EVER been happier in my life than right now! (Granted I am not 100% content because there is ALWAYS room for improvement but I digress)Why would ANYONE feel sorry for me? Not only am I surrounded by such physical beauty but I have been given the opportunity to grow, to find out in greater depth who I really am and what I am all about. Being in almost complete solitude for a few months away from friends and family will do that to you.
As I walk into work everyday I say a little, "Hello " to the Angel Moroni atop the Salt Lake City temple maybe 50 ft from me and thank Heavenly Father for my many blessings and mostly for the atonement and the gift of repentance because Heaven only knows I NEED IT! I am grateful to live near so many temples. I am grateful I got to go to President Faust's funeral and to have President Monson go to my work Christmas party. I got to meet him in person! I also ran into President Perry in the mall. I am grateful I have seen a living prophet speak just feet from me. I have been given so many spiritual opportunities for learning and growth that are only provided on such a regular basis in Utah, and mainly downtown Salt Lake City. To interact so closely with so many wonderful men who have devoted their lives to God, (and their family) and that stand as symbols of ultimate servants to God across the WORLD has truly filled my soul with happiness. You can't help but to feel happy around men like that. I am grateful for my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
My family, though far away and full of imperfections are the most amazing people in the world to me. They make me laugh constantly and I am grateful to be sealed to them for all eternity. I receive random phone calls from my two nieces age 2 and 6 just because they miss me and want to talk to me. That lights up my day everytime! Don't feel sorry for me. My family is amazing.
School has been a blast and things are going well. Living on campus, going to football games and tailgate parties, being involved with a great sorority.... I really feel as if I have had the opportunity to have a great college experience. I will have a Bachelor's degree with a major and a minor in May. Don't feel sorry for me. I feel I have succeeded academically.
I have one of the most amazing internships someone could ask for. Don't feel sorry for me. I have succeeded professionally.
As far as boys are concerned I have no care in the world to attach myself to one but I have some of the most amazing boys that care about me and offer their friendship to me. As far as flirting is concerned there is always someone at my disposal and I harbor what I believe to be feelings of love that might one day manifest them self but for now lay dormant because that is the way I want it. Don't feel sorry for me. I have the love life I desire.
And apparently my life is so interesting that even people who aren't my friends want to know what is going on. So trust me....don't feel sorry for me. I have not solicited pity from anyone, friends or otherwise. I do not want your pity. I want to celebrate the fact I have been given so much in life!
Now, the question is,"What will I do with it?"
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