I haven't updated anything for the past 6 weeks or so! Sorry. Going home for Christmas was ......AMAZING. I love my parents and my family so much! I flew home Christmas Eve morning and got into Houston about 5 am. It was a lot colder than I expected but it was nice to be home. Christmas Day I think everyone slept in till about noon and then my sister , her husband, and my two nieces came over and they were there most of the day. It was really nice!

The next day Candice and I went to the Galleria! AAHHHHHHHHH! It's like shopping HEAVEN!

The Galleria is the 5th largest shopping mall in the US! It has most every store you ever wanted and more in there! We weren't there too long before I got a call from Mr. Tyler however asking me when I was going to be home. I was his date to the military ball and it started at like 5:30 and was going to go all night. I didn't think it was going to start till MUCH and I finished up at the mall........took some time to get manicures together and then she dropped me off at home. Tyler was there shortly to pick me up so I didn't have time to do my hair or anything but it's all good! haha.

The military ball was AWESOME! I kept telling everyone it was like a FUN prom. I hated PROM! Everyone makes SUCH a huge deal out of it and you have to get a dress and do your hair and get a limo and blah blah blah..... well here it was kind of the same thing, sans the limo, but it was actually fun. They had the presentation of colors, all the cadets and midshipmen marched in, we had a formal dinner with a speaker beforehand, there were series of toasts, and then there was dancing! I guess it didn't hurt that I actually liked who I was dancing with!

Everything was pretty low key after that. I didn't do too much other than hang out with family and friends.

I spent most of my time with Amy Bridges though. Agh I love that girl! It is always fun to have friends that have known you since you were 11! The fun part about that is that we still act like we are 11 -16 when we get together. I spent New Years Eve with Amy and her boyfriend and his friends on the beach with a bonfire. It was so much fun. Amy wanted me to go because she didn't know anyone there and we had the most fun. She is usually pretty shy but when we are together she doesn't shut up! We laugh and giggle and like I said........act like we are 11! haha. IT was really a lot of fun.

The next day was packing day and time to get ready to come back to Salt Lake. We went to go see my Grandmother one last time before the airport. That woman is , words can't describe. She is just amazing! She is so beautiful and FUNNY and ....I don't even know. And what's funny is the two times I went to visit her she kept calling me Ms. Garza. (her maiden name) She said I am just like her, and I think for the first time I realized I probably am! haha.

I have such an attitude and I believe I get it from her! haha. She has called me that before and said how much like her I am but I don't think I ever realized it. It's really great because I really never had relationships with my grandparents. There are language barriers with my mom's side so even though I love them so incredibly much, it is hard for me to feel like I truly KNOW them because we can't communicate like I can with my dad's mom. I dunno, I really feel truly blessed to have been given the family that I have. Families are families and of course we get in fights and have disagreements and I think sometimes my family annoys me more than anyone else, but I think that's because they also make me happier than anyone else. It's a wonderful feeling to know you belong somewhere, you fit somewhere...and there are tons of people around you who are just like you.

Well......that's about it for now. I guess I will update in another 6 weeks! haha.
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