Hmmm So we had our first snow storm Monday night and it carried all the way till Wednesday morning. Granted it didn't snow continuously but it snowed off and on until Wednesday. So Tuesday for my birthday I woke up and was welcomed by all the snow. AGH! I LOVE IT!

I don't really make a big deal out of my birthday's but so it wasn't anything special. It was nice because I got a lot of calls/texts from friends and family. My parents also sent me two dozen roses. They are beautiful!!

Saturday my roomate Amber invited some people over and made me a birthday cake with 22 cupcakes and she made me blow out all the candles. It was really nice.

We also went to the comedy club downtown. It is one of our favorite places to go. Well that has basically been my past week. This is my last week of school and then finals are the week after. Yikes! I can't believe my first semester is already over! Christmas is just around the corner!