Well........here is another post! Tonight was pretty fun and I still have the WHOLE weekend in front of me......granted most of Saturday will be spent studying but........still. Friday night was a lot of fun. I made a new friend @ work and we decided we need to start haning out. She is from Nevada and I guess she doesn't know too many people here either. So tonight we went to meet her cousin at some resturant called the Mayan. It is supposed to be mexican type food. Notice the words SUPPOSED to be Mexican TYPE!. HaHa. It actually wasn't that bad. The food was OK but I guess the big thing about this place is that they have this guy dressed up like an Indian and he creeps and crawls all over these rocks that are above this water and then like every 15-20 minutes they have a diving show. They have divers come and do stunts off the rocks and into this deep water they have built into the resturant. It looks really SCARY and they do some CRAZY jumps....but it was fun. The Indian type guy was walking past our table and I got him to take a picture with us. I needed to show you guys! haha.

After dinner we went to go see Happy Feet! We were actually going to go see Prestige but sadly it was sold out ( I love little kid movies!) so I suggested we see Happy Feet. I had never heard of it (we all know how often I go see movies.....) but it looked cute and IT WAS! I really enjoyed it anyhow. The two girls I was with liked it but not as much as me. haha. After that Diana and I were headed back downtown and the ice skating rink opened tonight and they were having a free night in celebration so we went and ice skated for a bit.

After ice skating we walked around Temple Square. Temple Square is the center of town. Salt Lake City is based off of a grid and Temple Square is what it is based off of. IT is smack dab in the center of city. I took some pictures because it is absolutely breath taking at night. I work 50 feet from this building but though its gorgeous during the day its not nearly as gorgeous at night!! So...here are some pictures.

Well...All In all I suppose I had a great night but it is time for BED! YAY! Well just a few more days until Thanksgiving and a few days after that it will be my birthday so that means more pictures and more updates! be excited!
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