So...this weekend was about spending time with friends I haven't really seen in years. Friday night Amanda Davis -she kept her last name - and her husband Dane Stephens came to Salt Lake City and we went to The Pie and met up there. Amanda and I pretty much grew up together. We used to spend so much time together until her family moved to Albequerque early in our high school years. Here is a picture of us together. She shaved her head a few months ago but I think it looks kinda cool...

Saturday I drove down to Provo which is about 45 minutes away where I have some friends that go to BYU. So.. the thing in Utah to do is to put the letter of the city or whatever it is on the side of the mountain. You know how in Texas everywhere you go you see a water tower and it has the name of the city or the school? Well I have yet to see a water tower here. Instead they just slap a big initial on the mountain. It is actually really awesome to be driving and to see the initial from far off. It gets you pumped up! I will have to post a picture of the U on the mountain here (for university of Utah) but here are pictures of the Y for Brigham Young University (also known as "the school down south" here @ the U. They are our biggest rivals.)

And the U close up

And a little further back.

I went to go see Steven Chalk and Tyler Freeman. I have barely seen them since they got off their missions. They took me grocery shopping with them...hmm.....not soemthing I usually do when my friends come to visit ME but ...whatever. It was fun. At least they didn't ask me to cook for them.....though oddly enough this picture was taken in the kitchen....hmmm....

While I was in Provo I got a call from my friend Mathew Haderlie who lived in Houston briefly for two years though he is from Idaho. He called because he wanted to come visit me in Salt Lake and he happened to be in Orem visiting his uncle at the time. Orem and Provo are about 5 minutes apart. It is like saying Kemah to South Shore (but with mountains). So he followed me to my apartment back in Salt Lake and we ate dinner and just talked for a bit before he headed back home to Idaho.

Well that was a trip down memory lane filled weekend! Now I have to study for Calculus and Economics! YAY!!!! :( But seriously I do love going to school here and I enjoy learning. I am glad I am here! Go UTES!
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