Well this is my first post. It is designed for those of you who don't have myspace or facebook and can't keep up with me that way. Well I just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing well! I just landed a WONDERFUL part time job as a Portfolio Manager Associate at Key Bank.

I work under Bill Wallace and with Brent Moore on the investment team on the 19th floor (out of 20)of the Key Bank tower in Downtown Salt Lake City. Man I hate riding that elevator every day! YIKES! We are moving buildings in the next few months because our building is being demolished! SAD! They are redoing like the center of downtown to make Temple Square prettier. So in a few months I will have to ride to the top floor of an even higher building...the 26th floor...even more YIKES! I guess I like my feet on the ground. I don't know how people like my dad and my Tia Mimi have ever worked in downtown everyday riding those elevators. The worst part is going down in my opinion though. haha. I am just being a baby. I haven't learned how to do too much yet but I have been very excited by what I have watched Brent and Bill do. Investment is SO EXCITING! I
love my job and I have hardly been there a week! But I guess I felt the same way @ Texas First Bank. Man I miss those guys! : ( The good thing is that Bill and Brent are just about Key Bank's equivilant of Kurt and Matt (in that order) only WAY MORE RELAXED!!! There is not nearly as much stress put on them as Kurt and Matt have.
It has also been nice because I have seen my sister Marie what I feel to be a
ton since I got here. She lives in Idaho about three hours away from me. She came down the first weekend of October.

That is the picture that is posted above. Below is a picture of me and my friend Ally at the Utah vs. TCU game that Utah won (sorry Kurt!)

The Barn dance I went to was
so much fun! I was skeptical about it but it turned out to be one of the best dates I have ever been on. It was fun to dance around and just to have fun. NO I am not dating him!! We went to the barn dance together and that is it. As far as dating is concerned I think I expended too much effort money and time to come up here, I really need to focus on
SCHOOL AND MY GRADES first right now. I might date in about.......ten years. hahaha. Here are some pictures from the dance.

My sorority and their dates. I am on the far left. You can see my date's beltbuckle from Montana!

Below is a picture of me and my three roomates after a nice Italian roomate dinner. I try to get us to eat together once a month at least. We are all so busy but it's nice to enjoy time together every once in a while. From left to right are: Amber, Chelsea, Laura and of course yours truly.

I wish I could remember the date but it was the around October 25th ? that it really snowed for the first time. It snowed in September but it didn't stick to the ground like this one. This is a picture of the first real snow. That is right outside of the building I live in. Doesn't that look too pretty?!?! It was so much more beautiful in person! I am sure I will learn to hate snow but for now I love it. Of course all the snow melted about a day or two later and the mountains are green again but there are still lots of mountains with white at the tips.

Well I guess this is long enough. My plane ticket home was purchased today so I will be going home Dec 24th- Jan 1st! YAY! School starts again the week after that. Well I guess that is all for now. I miss everyone but I really like it here. I have gotten over the homesickness and I am ready to be here for the next few years. I think I might even get my masters here instead of in Texas. We shall see....