Saturday, March 06, 2010

Random Thoughts

I hung out with Raquel last night. We made homemade salsa, put in a movie, and I was asleep shortly after. The next thing I know it is 4am. I drove home and as I was falling asleep in my bed I could only think in some sort of asian language. I was speaking pretty fast [in my head- not audibly] and the funny thing is I have NO IDEA what I was saying. It was almost like two different parts of my brain. I remember vividly thinking " I wonder what I am saying- if anything. It sounds like jibberish (that was thought in English)" while I was thinking in another language ( I'm guessing it was Japanese though there were a FEW Chinese sounded more like Japanese) ODD...right?

Also, I can't seem to stop listening to Sufjan Stevens in the past 24 hours. I love him.


  1. So you're not private anymore?

  2. Dude, I am totally spying on you when you sleep now to hear what you say and what language you're saying it in.

  3. that is really funny!! haha! mando, i love you! thanks for sharing this!
