Monday, March 22, 2010

Just another reminder, if you follow this blog, please follow my new blog.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

New Blog!!

Hey guys! I thought about going public but decided this blog is going to be put back to private. Follow me at my new public blog!!!

Same great Mandi, more happy posts!! :D

Monday, March 08, 2010

What am I thinking?!?! [dreaming?]

I dream very vividly almost every night. I often remember them well into the next day btu after I go to sleep I forget about it. I think we all remember my David Archuleta dreams that came to fruition just a few short months later. This next dream I am going to tell you about won't be happening anytime soon; mostly because it took place in Old Testament times. Sunday we talked about Isaac and Rebekah and arranged marriages. We talked about all the wonderful qualities Rebekah had as well. 

Welp, fast forward to Sunday night and I'm dreaming about how wonderful life could potentially have been if I lived in the time of Rebekah and Isaac. Next thing you know, I'm there. All the sudden I am completely stressing out that my husband will be displeased he ended up with me because I am not as charitable as Rebekah and not as feminine as her. (feminine? That's my own take on it. I am much more liberal than Rebekah and I guess I equate submissive to feminine.) Anyway.... I woke up around 4am in a complete stress. That's the second time this week I've been stressed about my dreams so much it has woken me up. 

Before I went to bed I was reading in Daniel 6 and contemplating the statements there. The presidents and princes couldn't find a single fault against Daniel. Not one! How awesome would it be to be so righteous that someone would have to forbid me to pray to find a "fault" in me. Don't get me wrong... I'm not envious he was thrown in a lion's den... but I think he was a pretty awesome example. 

My first year of seminary we covered the old testament. I remember sister aldous declaring that there was more drugs, sex, war, and rock and roll in this book that most people realized. It's true. They are great stories, but more than that it is a great teaching and learning tool. One that testifies of Christ and a Heavenly Father and supreme creator. Don't get me wrong, I love the Book of Mormon and think it is completely necessary, but the Old Testament pretty much rocks, even if it has incredibly horrendous grammar. 

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Random Thoughts

I hung out with Raquel last night. We made homemade salsa, put in a movie, and I was asleep shortly after. The next thing I know it is 4am. I drove home and as I was falling asleep in my bed I could only think in some sort of asian language. I was speaking pretty fast [in my head- not audibly] and the funny thing is I have NO IDEA what I was saying. It was almost like two different parts of my brain. I remember vividly thinking " I wonder what I am saying- if anything. It sounds like jibberish (that was thought in English)" while I was thinking in another language ( I'm guessing it was Japanese though there were a FEW Chinese sounded more like Japanese) ODD...right?

Also, I can't seem to stop listening to Sufjan Stevens in the past 24 hours. I love him.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Apricot Girls

Because if I don't upload now, it won't get done until a year from now.

My roommates (L-R Annie, Me, Jon (not a roommate though he does receive mail at our house), and Laura) dressed up as Bachelorettes for Jon's character themed birthday party. Do you like his outfit? He is Flash Gordon. LOL.

I had so many great posts planned in my head

And the moment I go to write them down they are gone! I don't know which is better, to only write when I have an eloquent thought or great story or to write all the time with the mundane facts of life. I think mundane is much more interesting. 

Paradox huh?

So, I borrowed a few books from my co-worker Zac to study for the CFA exam. He inter-officed them to me (he works for my company but out of our Portland, OR office) and I got them today. I was going to sit for it in June until I realized how costly it is. I'm procrastinating the day of my examination until December. If I am going to pay $1500 for a test, I better pass it!!! So, will someone remind me once in a while that even though I am not in school I need to study? I WILL have my CFA designation in 3 years.... (the power of positive thinking right?!?!) Even though some of the smartest men I know never did make it past level II. (Zac was one of them). After three years they give up. There are three levels and you can only take one test once a year.... ugh.... I NEED to do this. Piece of cake... I'm brilliant....right?

My friend Rachel just submitted her 40 page application to sit for the bar. This should be a walk in the park compared to that....right?!?!? Or...maybe it's worse because I haven't had three years of preparation for this test! Ag!!