I've never been poor. EVER. Like, EVER. There were times in school where I had like $5 in the bank account but I had everything I needed and I had just bought clothes and blah blah blah....but now I'm poor because I'm done with school, still working at the same job, and student loans are due...and I'm sorry but I aint got $500/month to pay them back at the current moment. This is all fine and dandy while I buy time with defferments but sooner or later they are going to be due and I have to start saving for it.
So, in an attempt to watch my spending I have decided not to spend any extra money in the month of February. I saw the idea off of someone else's blog but I can't remember where or I would link you to that. The idea though is to only spend money at the grocery store and on bills. I never realized JUST how much money I spend. Thursdays are quite often Hawaiian Haystack Thursdays at the Church office building with a few of my favorite girls who are in my ward and work for the Church. Wednesdays are New Food Wednesdays with Jade and that group of friends. Most Friday and Saturday mornings involve a Starbucks run. I just declined an invitation to the Jazz/Lakers game for $35/ticket with a group of my friends, lunch with coworkers, and dinner invitations for the month. That being said I still have birthday/ wedding/ baby/all sorts of gifts to buy this month.
So... I'm poor, and as my roommate Raquel said about me choosing to not spend any money this month. "At least when you are poor you can go out and have fun with your friends...but if you aren't spending any money...you are going to be poor and alone. "
So, this is going to be a lonely month. Maybe I'll blog more... but if it saves me a few hundred dollars....it'll be worth it...right?
hahahahaha what Raquel said, makes me laugh!!! babe, you'll be fine. When you have those loans paid off added weight will unload and you will be able to unload your wallet. haha :)