Saturday, May 09, 2009

Dear Mr. President,

You are The President of the United States. You are the highest political official in the United States by influence and recognition.

I don't know if you got the memo... but you are NOT a stand up comedian. 

I have to say... I think you are funnier... and if you were in a movie I would go watch it... but everyday I swear I lose more respect for you. Somehow you just don't seem like the leader of the free world anymore.

Did anyone else see the Annual White House Correspondence Event tonight?


  1. I did not watch it, but I'm glad he's funny. Would you rather a dead serious boring president?

  2. I'd rather have a president who is smart enough to make jokes--and not be the joke or the butt of the jokes. :-)

    I like your blog...I don't even remember how I ended up on it. I'm sure I googled something about Thoreau?

  3. one time he joked with my friend's dad's boss about shooting him in the knee-caps.
    kind of cool?
