It's a plane!!!
It's...It's.... MY MOM & DAD!

Growing up I was not particularly close to my parents. In fact, I often felt like a stranger in their house. They were so much older and I felt the age difference. Things were very different then than they are now. They are still my parents... but they are more like friends. I suppose I have always been as independent as I am now. Not self sufficient, but independent. I have always wanted to grow up and have my own house and pay my own bills. This led to a strained relationship with my parents. I hated doing things THEIR way.... I wanted to do it my way! It wasn't until I actually MOVED OUT that I came to have a REAL relationship with my parents. And oh.... what a relationship!! There are times I regret not being as close to them as I am now my whole life. And there are parts of me that could care less....because I am here NOW.
My mom and dad mean the world to me. So much so that my eyes are misty right now writing this. They are quite possibly two of the coolest people I know!
John...PAPA John... is so hilarious! And not like stand up comedy funny...but witty funny. Dry humor funny. IF you EVER wonder where I get my humor from... half of it comes from him...the other half from my mom. I think it is funny that so many of my friends growing up who only ever saw him in passing are still to this day intimidated by him because he hardly talks and he is a big guy. Anyone who actually KNOWS my dad knows how silly that is. My dad has one of the softest hearts of anyone I know. He doesn't put up with crap but he cares a ton. Anytime I need a blessing my dad is there! Anytime I need to vent my dad is there. Anytime I need ANYTHING my dad is there. Anytime I call him crying with a concern he does anything and everything in his power to fix it. Sometimes I feel so frustrated at his wanting to fix EVERYTHING. Sometimes I want to scream and shout "that's MY problem...not YOURS.... let ME fix it... " and then I Realize how LUCKY I am that I have a dad who wants to do it for me. Who is so protective of me...even at 23 and I suppose even at 53 and until the day he dies... he will be my dad. He will be my protector and until the day I die he will be one half of a team that is my hero.
Mirtia... mersha... the other half to the dynamic duo. My mom is the SILLY one! I would say having us kids would keep her young....but I think she keeps US young. Yet the same time she knows when to act her age. She is the perfect mixture of everything! Strength, passiveness, worker, homemaker, student, teacher, role model, fashion model....I really aspire to be like her! When I grew up I didn't want to be anything like her... (don't ask me why because I have no clue) and now I aspire to be as much like her as possible! When people tell me I am funny or cool my automatic response (and yes I realize I am probably a dork for it but it just comes naturally) is "you should meet my mom!! she is me times [insert large random number here]!!" My mom is so much fun to talk to and I call her more than I call anyone in my phonebook. If I am not calling her I am calling one of my siblings which are just mini me versions of her. Like my dad, she is there whenever I need it. Actually, I think she is tougher on me than my dad. Ha Ha. I love her.
I love my parents so much and words could not describe how much I owe my life to them. They are my heroes!