OOOOOOO K soooooo update time! There really isn't much to say. I went to a movie in a park with my friend Kensie and some other people last week. We saw The Never Ending Story. I had never seen it was actually kinda funny/cute. haha. I wish I would have taken pictures! I haven't had my camera with me all week. Utah really has a lot of cute activities that go on. I mean I can't think of a time when they had movies in the park for free in Houston....maybe they did and I just didn't know about it.
Last night Kensie and I also had a little get together at her house. IT was AMAZING. There really weren't too many people there but her dad is an event planner so it was sooooooo gorgeous. This girl really goes all out for everything. Decorations, the way the food was presented, this girl has it in her to plan ANYTHING. It really was a lot of fun!
So.... I had a really homesick day the other day. I think I am going to try and come home for a week in August. Either the 3-12 or the 13-20. School starts the 20th so I don't know if I really want to be gone the week before school starts. My finals aren't until the 3rd though so I have to be here until then. I just really want a break from Utah and I want to see my friends and I want tons and tons of hugs!! Well...that's about it. Like I said... I didn't really have too much to talk about but it's an update none the less. The.End.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
I Miss my Papa John
So...Father's Day is almost over....oh how I miss my daddy!
OK so I miss my family in GENERAL but dad makes some of the BEST pancakes around! Had I of been home I could have begged and pleaded and puppy dog eyed my way into getting him to make them for me.....or at least I could have made the batter and HE would have cooked them....but NO....I had to make them all by myself on Saturday morning and that's what I get! I put oil on the bottom of the pan and everything was fine until I went to flip it over......BAM Oil went through my shirt and I have like ......wait let me count them NINE oil burns on my tummy! Four of which are rather large. I had to go to Walgreen's to buy mederma so hopefully the scars will go away. I am telling you people.....please come visit me while you can b.c everyday I get more and more scars and bad things that happen to my a few years I am going to be a MONSTER!
I was going to post pictures of the burns but they are on my tummy and being a girl and I ....yeah...self conscious...and don't really want anyone to see those right now. Maybe if I lost 500 pounds!
OK so I miss my family in GENERAL but dad makes some of the BEST pancakes around! Had I of been home I could have begged and pleaded and puppy dog eyed my way into getting him to make them for me.....or at least I could have made the batter and HE would have cooked them....but NO....I had to make them all by myself on Saturday morning and that's what I get! I put oil on the bottom of the pan and everything was fine until I went to flip it over......BAM Oil went through my shirt and I have like ......wait let me count them NINE oil burns on my tummy! Four of which are rather large. I had to go to Walgreen's to buy mederma so hopefully the scars will go away. I am telling you people.....please come visit me while you can b.c everyday I get more and more scars and bad things that happen to my a few years I am going to be a MONSTER!
I was going to post pictures of the burns but they are on my tummy and being a girl and I ....yeah...self conscious...and don't really want anyone to see those right now. Maybe if I lost 500 pounds!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Bored at Work
So... I am sitting here at work quite bored. I can't believe I actually remembered my password! My boss should be back shortly but until he comes back I cannot finish what I am doing. I feel really guilty writing at work but I really can't finish what I am doing until he comes back. I have already checked out the Astros' webpage (they won last night -YAY) and that's about all I can do here at work. Websites such as and yahoo and hotmail email are blocked (as they should be) so all I have are sports and blogs to look at. Too bad Ms. Christina hasn't updated in like oh..five million years. I wanted to follow her lead and take a picture of dinner last night. Nothing fancy-just tacos- but they looked SUPER pretty if I do say so myself. They also tasted ultra yummy!
Guys... Sometimes I wonder if I shall ever finish school! :( Summer school is almost over but after that who knows how long. I just want to be DONE! I have worked hard... I DESERVE IT! Too bad I am also getting my MASTERS degree....UGH! School is NEVER going to end!
I just want to finish school and start making LOTS of money so I won't have to be in debt! Plus... I told my mom I would pay for stuff when I am rich so that she doesn't have to work anymore. My poor mommy! With her diabetes she doesn't handle age as well as everyone else. She loves what she does but she just can't work too much longer. How strange is that?!?! I sometimes feel as if my mom is just as old as I am or just a little older. I really feel she is an equal-a person too... while still respecting her as my mother. I know you may say...a person too? Yeah... I never used to think of my mom as a PERSON ....someone who worries, someone who wants to have fun, someone who is still 16 at heart in a grown up's body....she was just MOM. Like there were two categories....PEOPLE.....and Parents/grandparents/old people in general. I guess the older I get the more I realize EVERYONE is just a 16 year old in a grown up's body.
Well there is tons more I could say to that but I should go. Catch ya on the FLIP SIDE!
Guys... Sometimes I wonder if I shall ever finish school! :( Summer school is almost over but after that who knows how long. I just want to be DONE! I have worked hard... I DESERVE IT! Too bad I am also getting my MASTERS degree....UGH! School is NEVER going to end!
I just want to finish school and start making LOTS of money so I won't have to be in debt! Plus... I told my mom I would pay for stuff when I am rich so that she doesn't have to work anymore. My poor mommy! With her diabetes she doesn't handle age as well as everyone else. She loves what she does but she just can't work too much longer. How strange is that?!?! I sometimes feel as if my mom is just as old as I am or just a little older. I really feel she is an equal-a person too... while still respecting her as my mother. I know you may say...a person too? Yeah... I never used to think of my mom as a PERSON ....someone who worries, someone who wants to have fun, someone who is still 16 at heart in a grown up's body....she was just MOM. Like there were two categories....PEOPLE.....and Parents/grandparents/old people in general. I guess the older I get the more I realize EVERYONE is just a 16 year old in a grown up's body.
Well there is tons more I could say to that but I should go. Catch ya on the FLIP SIDE!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Photo Shoot
So I was bored the other day and decided to play with the camera. I think I should minor in photography because I like taking pictures.....sadly the only thing I had was myself so anyway...I think a few of them came out really pretty so here they are....just because I don't think I normally look this pretty. FYI I had a spaghetti strap shirt on but you can't see it b/c my hair covers it.

This Weekend
So I took my first Calculus test on Friday. I know I missed a few problems but it was cool b/c I actually knew what was going on in the test. That is always a good feeling.
So...the weekend came along and I really wasn't too happy. I hate weekends b/c I have nothing to do and no one to hang out with. At least during the week I have work and school to keep my busy. I had a study group first thing Saturday morning for my stats midterm that is coming up on Monday but after that was over I had nothing to do. I mean homework but that is about it. Sometimes I hate being in Utah because I always had someone to hang out with or something to do in Texas and now I have no one. I was really sitting around being pretty mopey.
As I watched Cheaper by the dozen I started to cry b/c I wished I had my family around. As that happened my phone rang and this girl from my ward invited me on a hike. I don't really know the girl that well but it was really nice of her and I was so thankful b/c I really wanted to get out of the house.

After our hike she told me she knew of this really good taco stand on state st and 8th(south) so we went there. IT WAS SO GOOD! I got two carnita tacos and two barbacoa tacos. YUMMY! When I got home my old roomate Amber (who is actually moving back in, in a week and also living with me for fall while she goes to graduate school) called me and asked if I wanted to go to a drive in movie with her and her boyfriend and some people. I had never been to a drive in before. It was actually really cool! So... that was my weekend. Hope you enjoyed hearing about it.
So...the weekend came along and I really wasn't too happy. I hate weekends b/c I have nothing to do and no one to hang out with. At least during the week I have work and school to keep my busy. I had a study group first thing Saturday morning for my stats midterm that is coming up on Monday but after that was over I had nothing to do. I mean homework but that is about it. Sometimes I hate being in Utah because I always had someone to hang out with or something to do in Texas and now I have no one. I was really sitting around being pretty mopey.
As I watched Cheaper by the dozen I started to cry b/c I wished I had my family around. As that happened my phone rang and this girl from my ward invited me on a hike. I don't really know the girl that well but it was really nice of her and I was so thankful b/c I really wanted to get out of the house.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Just sitting here...thinking...
I miss the good days.
I miss the good times.
So much has changed.
... I feel left behind.
I miss the good days.
I miss the good times.
So much has changed.
... I feel left behind.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Calculus on the Brain...litterally
OK so all I do is think about Calculus lately. That is not to say that is all I DO... but I stress about it a lot. Take for example...TODAY. It was a nice, beautiful, HOT sunny Utah day today and instead of going outside I sat in my room all day. I woke up and thought...I should really get started on Calc...and then I didn't want to so I watched a movie on TV the whole time thinking...I should do calc...and then around three I actually sat at my desk and cleaned off the desk in attempt to lay out my book and start doing homework. I took an hour break to trek out to Sonic to eat some familiar food and then when I came back it was about 7....ok I have four sections to finish so I'd better get here it is...9 o clock and I have only spent two hours actually DOING homework and like twelve hours THINKING about if only in this case it were the thought that counts. One section down, three to go...and a business stats test to do all before Monday morning rolls around...
I hate procrastination!
So... speaking of....I needed a study break so I took some pictures and also thought I would post pictures of my hike up Grandeaur Peak on Monday. Enjoy.
Half Way to the top
3/4 of the way there
almost there...I don't think you grasp how high this was!
I made it! This was one view from the top. I was soooo angry when I got to the top I hardly took any pictures. I was mad someone fooled me into thinking hiking to the top would be fun. All it was, was a LOT of hard work and three hours of climbing straight UP. UGH! I am glad I did it though!
I told you...calculus on the brain
Someone help... I am not too fond of tons of Math
I hate procrastination!
So... speaking of....I needed a study break so I took some pictures and also thought I would post pictures of my hike up Grandeaur Peak on Monday. Enjoy.

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