roomate Amber finally turned 21! yay! now i am not the only "old" person in our apartment. So...we went out to dinner at Chili's to celebrate. Here are pictures of the roomates.

On a diff note. Marie came into town on a field trip with her school so here are some pictures from hanging out at the hotel room with her friend Gwen.

Here is another picture from my visit to D.C.
We were stinkin cold at the end of the day and on the metro. So don't judge me cuz I know I look HORRIBLE! I really do miss Tyler A LOT!!!! :( He isn't "mr. right" but as my dad said......he is "mr. will do." (for now) haha. He has his flaws just like anyone, and to top it off he is like 2000 miles away and he never gets free time to talk....but he is a really good guy who cares about me a who knows how long it will last. Long distance relationship are really stupid! But....if anything, I will be able to honestly say it was fun while it lasted.

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