Let me rephrase that. I really enjoy budgeting MY money.
It is so much fun. I can't tell you how many hours I have spent this week looking at where all my money goes and how I can save the most. As I see the balance in my savings account go up and up I get excited. As I told a friend before, the more money I make the more I want to keep. But really, I have decided the more I make the more I want to save for big ticket items. I think I have been so used to living very paycheck to paycheck as a student and now I don't have to. There are so many major purchases I would like to make this year and I just am trying to figure out the best way to do it. Among other things the biggest price tag items would be these

A black Subaru Forester with of course a red U of U vanity plate. I don't know that this big of a car is really necessary for me or that I want to spend money on that much gas so my second option is this

I absolutely HATED Subaru's when I moved here. And, apparently the white Subaru Outback or the old white Subaru Legacys are the unofficial, official car of Utah. If I had a dollar for every one of those I have seen, well I would have enough to buy my own Subaru. But...after living here a while and experiencing firsthand the dire need to have a four wheel drive car I have decided a Suby driver I must be. However, I really want a black one. (even though I always swore I would only buy white cars from here on out.)
And why would I waste money on gas when I could save to buy one of these beauties?

OK obviously THIS particular house would be out of my budget but you get the idea. Honestly what I reeeeeeally want to do is buy a fixer-upper and fix it up the way I want! I figure I am going to want to redo whatever I buy ANYWAY, so why not redo it the way I want it? Both of these purchases will be a while.... but .... I am excited! Especially for the house! I can't wait for the day when I can have a garden of my very own, walls I don't have to worry about poking holes in, and something to show for the money I waste away on rent every month.
Oh, the joys of being a grown up and working more than 20 hours a week!
P.S the website is being weird and I can't see ANY of the custom buttons on this post. Things such as colors, adding pictures, and changing the alignment of my text have all been done right the first time. I know exactly where the buttons SHOULD be and when I press that area it works! Too funny.... think I have spent enough time on blogger?