Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I have a new favorite word. It is BAH! It is an exclamation of annoyance, frustration, or anything else I want it to mean. I think it kind of replaces ugh for me.

Anyway, I am completely falling in love with my job again. Yesterday I worked for over 13 straight hours only taking ten minutes to eat some soup and crackers I keep at my desk. Even though I have extremely busy lately I really enjoy it. It is really nice to feel needed. There is also a feeling of still being at your desk, typing numbers into the calculator, and telling the cleaning crew you will turn off all the lights when you leave, and then turning all the lights off at 9:30. Not having to wait for the elevator that normally takes 5 minutes, walking the deserted hallways that were filled with professionals coming and going just hours earlier, having to scan your card to get into the parking garage and many more things all made me feel special (for a lack of a better word.) I know it is retarded. There really is something to putting in a long day at work though.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just Some Random Thoughts

I am completely exhausted (and it is only 10:30!!!! That is WONDERFUL NEWS to a girl who suffers from insomnia!) but I wanted to blog really fast. I don't know which should go first.

Bah. Obama. I just don't know what to think about today. I was one of three people excited to listen to the inauguration today at work. Everyone else was business as usual while I was trying to find a radio station online because the video streaming was not working. One of the girls took the day off to watch the inaguration because she is a die hard Obama lover so that just left two of us. It is not so much that I love Obama.... I just love politics and I think he is a great orator and I wanted to hear what he had to say. I can't even begin to express the feelings that overcame me as I heard him repeat those words and become the next president. I loved his speech. It really DID bring me hope. I believed he would change our country and that it would take hard work and time but I believed him as he spoke. I needed to believe him. I want to put my faith in him so much it hurts! I worry though. I worry that now that the parades and parties are dying down, now that it is time to get to work, that he will prove to be a much better orator than a doer. I really do worry. While his words offered courage and hope and deep feelings of patriotism because of our American ancestors who fought for the rights and freedoms we have now and for our friends, family and neighbors who still fight. After all of these emotions from his speech I feel actions speak louder than words. And in a time of great economic crisis I feel Obama could have learned something from Utah Govorner Jon Hunstman Jr. who almost eliminated the festivities of inanuragtion seeing as we are umm... wait what? Oh yeah... in the worst economic crisis of the past 70 years . It is good to know someone recognized it is not a time to party but a time to get to work and a time to put money to a better use. Glad to know the Obama family is driving around in an energy efficient, sensible, cadillac limosine. I mean I don't really know what the other president's had but I find it irrelevant since he is all about CHANGE. I mean c'mon... they are just the average American's right? Bah. I can find a million reasons to disprove myself but that is what I have to say.

On a lighter note....or umm... err... a heavier? note... my roommates and I watch The Biggest Loser religiously. They got me into it last semester and a new season has started! It really makes me very emotional. However, after work and errands I normally get home right about 7 on Tuesdays only to plop down on the couch and EAT while watching it. I have become very emotionally invested and I get choked up when certain people don't do so well. Well, I decided I need to let the show motivate me. For those of you that don't know the Biggest Loser is about extremely overweight individuals who try to lose the most body fat. These aren't just people who need to lose ten pounds like you, me, and the guy down the street. These are people who take 10 pills a day for one thing or another, who need medical supervision while they excersise, who will probably die is 10 years or less if they don't change their lifestyle. I have been inspired as old men who can't walk for a minute without nearly faiting shed close to two hundred pounds all by getting their butt on a treadmill and not giving up. I have seen the lifestyle these people lead, some of it firsthand, and I don't ever want to be dependant on pills. I don't think I am fat by any means but I have def picked up some unwanted pounds. I don't want to get in the habit of overeating and laziness so I joined a gym last week and have been everyday but Sunday! ( i know i know... let's just hope in 6 months I am still going strong!) I am proud to announce I have already lost weight! It took my coworker Nate to nag me nearly everyday for the past 10 weeks but I finally got my butt in the gym and I am excited to be on my way to a healthy lifestyle of excersise! Bring on that half marathon!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Come Back To Texas....

"It's not the same since you went away
before you lose your accent
and forget all about the lone star state
there's a seat for you at the Rodeo
and I've got every slow song save
besides the Mexican food sucks north of here anyway...."
-Bowling for Soup

"Come back to Texas"

That was the urge of my dear mother yesterday as I conversed with her via telephone.

I disregarded the comments as I have a million times

from friends

and family

and as a subcategory of family nieces.

I mean who wouldn't want me back in Texas?

Who WOULD want me to leave Utah?

I am the coolest thing since Blue Bell ice cream

and trap doors on one piece adult pajamas

and snowball fights with dear friends.

But I got to thinking.....

people are moving on with their lives

and I am watching them move at a million miles an hour as I stand still

and doesn't my mother deserve the kitchen fairy to visit her once a week?

And shouldn't I enjoy the laughs and smiles from my angel of a nephew Carson?

And would anyone REALLY miss me? (of course but they would get over it soon enough)

Isn't family a million times better than any friend I will ever know?

For now I am staying put....

but it was definitely something to think about as my eyelashes fluttered back and forth and sleep swept me away to dreamland.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

When In Rome...

You know the saying... When in Rome, do as the Romans?

Well, I don't live in Rome, nor am I visiting it.

I AM however in the BEEHIVE state....

And TODAY I worked like a bee.

These are the things I got accomplished today and most of it is in order.

  • I slept in until about 11
  • Ran to the bank to deposit a check/withdraw money ( I was hoping for a garage sale with something really cool. I didn't see ANY. Does the cold weather keep people from putting those on? I guess so.)
  • I paid ALL of my bills
  • I cleaned out all the shoes, papers, water bottles, and overall crap from my car
  • I detailed the inside of my car
  • I went through a stack of mail 12 inches high
  • I cleaned out my wallet
  • Found my jiffy lube coupons and got ready to have my oil changed.
  • I organized my new health care information now that I am a big girl and cover myself (sad are the days now that it comes out of MY paycheck instead of my parents'!!! :( )
  • Took a shower
  • I went to the corner store and bought two packs of candy. One for me and one for Dave.
  • Went to the movies with Dave to see Marley & Me. He almost ate his whole box of candy before the movies even started. I still have half of mine. I am learning quickly if I don't protect myself he eats all the candy!
  • I washed my car (well, I ran it through a car wash but ol' blue is SPARKLING right now)
  • I did 6 loads of laundry including linens and towels and even my bath rug.
  • Blew my nose about 700 times throughout all of this
  • I PUT AWAY 6 loads of laundry
  • Organized all the paper/letters/wedding invitations into their designated box
  • Threw out TONS of old school papers and assignments
  • Took two garbage bags full of stuff from my room and car to the dumpster
  • Vacuumed my room
  • Did the dishes
  • Swept the bathroom and kitchen
  • Went to the grocery store to buy more laundry detergent, four boxes of kleenex (actually they are PUFFS with lotion because a nose in need deserves puffs indeed!!!) and groceries for the next week where I saved about thirty dollars with my Albertsons card and coupons! (that is a first!)
  • Made tea and took Nyquil
  • Blogged.
Aren't you proud? I think the only thing I did NOT do was get my oil changed. Going to the movies with Dave took up my time and they were closed by that time but I will go on Monday!! I know this has to be the most incredibly boring blog I have ever written and I know you don't really care but I have worked SO hard for the past 12 hours (well 10 if you don't count the movie) and I NEVER get anything I want done on a Saturday! Anyway, I am sure the nyquil is going to kick in here pretty quickly so this is coming to an end.

I hope all of you have been having as great a start to the new year as I have had and that you are getting things done as well.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

How Sweet It IS

I posted 25 times in November and a measley 5 times in December. I just thought I would post quickly. I have much catching up to do but my Texas trip was simply amazing. I didn't see too many friends and I just spent my trip adoring my parents, siblings, and nieces and nephews. I feel so left out of their lives sometimes because I am so far away but it was so nice to go home and be in the middle of things. I had barely been back in Utah a few hours before it was back to another party and I felt as if I had never been to Texas at all. I knew it would be a good trip when Brian Johnson was on my flight and I got to talk to him!

I heart Brian Johnson.

And now....Utah beat Alabama!! We are 13-0 and the only division I UNDEFEATED team in the nation! Hardly anyone thought we would win...but I knew Brian would pull us through! 31-17 baby!! Sugar Bowl Champions!! BCS busters....

oh how sweet it is!!!

2009 have been off to an amazing start!! Bring it on 2009.... on!