MMM... for some reason all I can think about right now is hot chocolate, warm blankets, and flowers. I intended to post about something completely different but this is what I am posting instead. I think if a guy ever wanted to win me over all he would have to do is show up on my doorstep with flowers and hot chocolate. It's just that easy.
I am VERY excited to go home and see my family for a few days and maybe we can all gather around the living room in our pajamas and drink abuelita's hot chocolate and spend quailty time together.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Give Said the Little Stream
Sorry I haven't really posted lately.
I have been ill.
DEATHLY ill. (do I have your attention?)
My body has been overtaken with an infection that seemed like horrible food poisoning. It was only horrible for about a day or so but then I have been miserable since. I couldn't keep anything down and four days later here I sat, HUNGRY, tired, and crying because I just wanted to eat and feel better. I finally went to the DR after I was convinced that this was NOT just food poisoning and that I would in fact die of starvation. After letting dose after dose of the beautiful medicine slide down my throat like it was at a Schlitterbahn water park and a few hours of down time I am starting to feel much more like myself. (Stomach infection FYI) I was still hungry... but at least I don't feel as if every second my stomach consumes more and more of itself! Beautiful McKensie brought me chicken broth and it has done wonders at making me feel like I have eaten a chicken dinner tonight! Who knew how filling it could be? I tried to drink some earlier today at work but it just came up again. I think being preceeded by medicine did the trick this time.
Let me tell you people, I was VERY heartbroken after not being able to eat. There I sat, barely audible through my sobs and whimpers and crying talking to my mother on the phone. Of course there is the classic sucking in your lip noise. "I (ffftt fffft) I......just (gasp) want to eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat!" I wailed. " I (ffft fftt) basically haven't eaten in FOOOOOOOOOOOUR DAYS.I am so HUUUUUUUUUUUUUNGRY!(more sobs) I can't keep AAAANYTHING down and I don't feel well and I just want (inhale) to (inhale again) feel beeeeeeeeeeetter!" "You can go a MONTH without food," my dear mother reassured me, trying to use her best cool, calm, and collected but NEVER condescending I-know-more-than-you-because-I-am-the-best-nurse-ever voice "but NOT without liquids." She continued, "Worry about getting liquids in your body and the food will come with time." I tried to tell my mother that I didn't care WHAT the medical dictionaries say, THIS Texas girl could NOT go a month without food.....I wanted a steak and potato dinner right that very instant.
While I still can't eat; not feeling nauseous can really do wonders for your spirit! This whole scene made me think of another Christmas miracle. Donations. I am determined to buy some food and drop it off before Saturday because while I couldn't eat merely because my body wouldn't keep it down, there are lots of little kids, and lots of really big kids that we call adults who are HUNGRY...just like me...who don't have the means to buy it...who want to cry and sob to their mother because all they want is a steak and potato dinner. All they want is something to fill their empty stomachs...but they don't have it.
Maybe you could help too? It is totally the honor system...three cans of food. Just do it. It is GREAT karma.
I have been ill.
DEATHLY ill. (do I have your attention?)
My body has been overtaken with an infection that seemed like horrible food poisoning. It was only horrible for about a day or so but then I have been miserable since. I couldn't keep anything down and four days later here I sat, HUNGRY, tired, and crying because I just wanted to eat and feel better. I finally went to the DR after I was convinced that this was NOT just food poisoning and that I would in fact die of starvation. After letting dose after dose of the beautiful medicine slide down my throat like it was at a Schlitterbahn water park and a few hours of down time I am starting to feel much more like myself. (Stomach infection FYI) I was still hungry... but at least I don't feel as if every second my stomach consumes more and more of itself! Beautiful McKensie brought me chicken broth and it has done wonders at making me feel like I have eaten a chicken dinner tonight! Who knew how filling it could be? I tried to drink some earlier today at work but it just came up again. I think being preceeded by medicine did the trick this time.
Let me tell you people, I was VERY heartbroken after not being able to eat. There I sat, barely audible through my sobs and whimpers and crying talking to my mother on the phone. Of course there is the classic sucking in your lip noise. "I (ffftt fffft) I......just (gasp) want to eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat!" I wailed. " I (ffft fftt) basically haven't eaten in FOOOOOOOOOOOUR DAYS.I am so HUUUUUUUUUUUUUNGRY!(more sobs) I can't keep AAAANYTHING down and I don't feel well and I just want (inhale) to (inhale again) feel beeeeeeeeeeetter!" "You can go a MONTH without food," my dear mother reassured me, trying to use her best cool, calm, and collected but NEVER condescending I-know-more-than-you-because-I-am-the-best-nurse-ever voice "but NOT without liquids." She continued, "Worry about getting liquids in your body and the food will come with time." I tried to tell my mother that I didn't care WHAT the medical dictionaries say, THIS Texas girl could NOT go a month without food.....I wanted a steak and potato dinner right that very instant.
While I still can't eat; not feeling nauseous can really do wonders for your spirit! This whole scene made me think of another Christmas miracle. Donations. I am determined to buy some food and drop it off before Saturday because while I couldn't eat merely because my body wouldn't keep it down, there are lots of little kids, and lots of really big kids that we call adults who are HUNGRY...just like me...who don't have the means to buy it...who want to cry and sob to their mother because all they want is a steak and potato dinner. All they want is something to fill their empty stomachs...but they don't have it.
Maybe you could help too? It is totally the honor system...three cans of food. Just do it. It is GREAT karma.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Christmas Miracles
I love Christmas! I really do.
I love the lights, I love the music, I love the cold crisp air, I love the renewed inspiration these things bring to my life.
Today at the dentist's office the lady asked me what Santa was bringing me for Christmas. I replied with, "most likely nothing." She was like, "Oh!! I am sure you are getting TONS of wonderful loot!!" To which I tried to think of the last time I got "loot" for Christmas. In fact, I can't think of a FIRST time I got "loot" for Christmas.
In my family we bake a cake for Jesus on Christmas morning. Before presents can be opened we have to sing and blow out the candle. Of course there are always presents and they are always nice. My family does not open presents for hours though.
Christmas is a time we focus on Christ, and families.
My parents give me "loot" all year round. Christmas doesn't need to be about me. It needs to be about Christ, and the things that matter.
Like... snow. It snowed today in Houston and wouldn't you believe that almost every single Houstonian I know texted me, sent picture mail, sent emails with photos, and sent carrier pigeons to let me know I wasn't the only one who would receive snow this winter.
And I thought back to a few days ago when I wanted to cry because it was snowing....because I didn't want to drive in it, because I didn't want to clean up after it, because I didn't want to deal with it.
And those in Houston are counting it a blessing. It has covered the ground with white and renewed their faith and hope in miracles.
And I remembered once again that the Christmas miracles do not come in the form of a plasma TV or jewelry or anything else that can be bought.
It comes in the form of an, " I love you."
It comes in the form of snow.
It comes in the form of giggles and laughter.
but it can never be bought.
I love the lights, I love the music, I love the cold crisp air, I love the renewed inspiration these things bring to my life.
Today at the dentist's office the lady asked me what Santa was bringing me for Christmas. I replied with, "most likely nothing." She was like, "Oh!! I am sure you are getting TONS of wonderful loot!!" To which I tried to think of the last time I got "loot" for Christmas. In fact, I can't think of a FIRST time I got "loot" for Christmas.
In my family we bake a cake for Jesus on Christmas morning. Before presents can be opened we have to sing and blow out the candle. Of course there are always presents and they are always nice. My family does not open presents for hours though.
Christmas is a time we focus on Christ, and families.
My parents give me "loot" all year round. Christmas doesn't need to be about me. It needs to be about Christ, and the things that matter.
Like... snow. It snowed today in Houston and wouldn't you believe that almost every single Houstonian I know texted me, sent picture mail, sent emails with photos, and sent carrier pigeons to let me know I wasn't the only one who would receive snow this winter.
And I thought back to a few days ago when I wanted to cry because it was snowing....because I didn't want to drive in it, because I didn't want to clean up after it, because I didn't want to deal with it.
And those in Houston are counting it a blessing. It has covered the ground with white and renewed their faith and hope in miracles.
And I remembered once again that the Christmas miracles do not come in the form of a plasma TV or jewelry or anything else that can be bought.
It comes in the form of an, " I love you."
It comes in the form of snow.
It comes in the form of giggles and laughter.
but it can never be bought.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Dear Anonymous,
It's me. Mandi.
I have no clue who YOU are but it is OK. You obviously check my blogs. While checking my inbox I saw the comment you left on my Post What A Week. This is what you said.
Pfft are you kidding me?!?! I am calling your bluff. ALL of my blogs are negative?!?! I think SOMEONE (you) is either pulling my chain, over exgaerating, or just plain out lying!! (ooooooooo. Liar liar pants on fire. where is your mother so I can snitch on you!?!?) haha. :-D
I scrolled all the way back down to November 7th when I was serious but until then the only HINT of negativity (in the past month anyway) came from that one blog. Like I said. I Realized there are people in my life who don't show me courtesy or respect. Who wants to be treated like crap by "friends?!?!" Not I said the fly. There are no hard feelings I realized I just don't want them in my life. haha. That is OK right?!?Please let me assure you Anonymous that my life is GREAT!
OK OK... so maybe I have a few extra pounds I would like to shed. And... my room can sometimes not be in the most perfect order. Also, I would like it if I could attract a boy and then STAY attracted to him long enough to snuggle with him during a movie. Other than that... I can't think of many reasons why I have not been more than ecstatic lately.
It is true, I was put in a really weird situation on Thursday night and I realized there are a FEW (emphasis on the few) people I need to weed out in my life. But... I think you missed the part where it said that Friday was amazing and I was exceptionally grateful for all the AMAZING friends I have in my life! I have a LOT of quality QUALITY (extra emphasis) people in my life! ( some people are lucky to have a few. I have a LOT.)
"I'm sorry your life is so hard and miserable." I hope you don't take offense but I laughed out loud when I read that!! My life is stressful. YES! Very very very VERY stressful.... but it is not hard and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO extremely far from miserable!!! It was kind of funny that anyone would ever look at how I talk about my life and think it is miserable! I live in an amazing city in an amazing house that I pay for because of my amazing job where I interact with my amazing co workers. I love my amazing family and amazing friends and if my life were anything less than ....well...amazing... I would understand your comment. But... my life is.... amazing. (in a word.)
As for the bad day after bad day comment. I don't know what you are lookin at Willis! Maybe you just don't know me well enough... but those are very happy, funny posts in my opinion. (at least until november 7th. my computer was being too slow for me to gp further) Yes I was serious about politics, but about my life...
So... yeah. My life is great. (but yes, i am human and i cry and have bad days. do you not? if so... please tell me your secret!!) Everyday isn't perfect but everyday there is SOMETHING to be happy about. I am sure life could be a million times better but I take what I can get... and I have a LOT!
and for all of those of you who aren't Anonymous... please take note. I can't remember more than the past month...but life has been great and I am VERY happy right now. Thanks for you concern!! :-)
I have no clue who YOU are but it is OK. You obviously check my blogs. While checking my inbox I saw the comment you left on my Post What A Week. This is what you said.
It seems like all of your blogs are so negative and that you have bad day after bad day. I am sorry your life is so hard and miserable. I am sure your friends love and care about you.
Pfft are you kidding me?!?! I am calling your bluff. ALL of my blogs are negative?!?! I think SOMEONE (you) is either pulling my chain, over exgaerating, or just plain out lying!! (ooooooooo. Liar liar pants on fire. where is your mother so I can snitch on you!?!?) haha. :-D
I scrolled all the way back down to November 7th when I was serious but until then the only HINT of negativity (in the past month anyway) came from that one blog. Like I said. I Realized there are people in my life who don't show me courtesy or respect. Who wants to be treated like crap by "friends?!?!" Not I said the fly. There are no hard feelings I realized I just don't want them in my life. haha. That is OK right?!?Please let me assure you Anonymous that my life is GREAT!
OK OK... so maybe I have a few extra pounds I would like to shed. And... my room can sometimes not be in the most perfect order. Also, I would like it if I could attract a boy and then STAY attracted to him long enough to snuggle with him during a movie. Other than that... I can't think of many reasons why I have not been more than ecstatic lately.
It is true, I was put in a really weird situation on Thursday night and I realized there are a FEW (emphasis on the few) people I need to weed out in my life. But... I think you missed the part where it said that Friday was amazing and I was exceptionally grateful for all the AMAZING friends I have in my life! I have a LOT of quality QUALITY (extra emphasis) people in my life! ( some people are lucky to have a few. I have a LOT.)
"I'm sorry your life is so hard and miserable." I hope you don't take offense but I laughed out loud when I read that!! My life is stressful. YES! Very very very VERY stressful.... but it is not hard and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO extremely far from miserable!!! It was kind of funny that anyone would ever look at how I talk about my life and think it is miserable! I live in an amazing city in an amazing house that I pay for because of my amazing job where I interact with my amazing co workers. I love my amazing family and amazing friends and if my life were anything less than ....well...amazing... I would understand your comment. But... my life is.... amazing. (in a word.)
As for the bad day after bad day comment. I don't know what you are lookin at Willis! Maybe you just don't know me well enough... but those are very happy, funny posts in my opinion. (at least until november 7th. my computer was being too slow for me to gp further) Yes I was serious about politics, but about my life...
I am living the dream!
So... yeah. My life is great. (but yes, i am human and i cry and have bad days. do you not? if so... please tell me your secret!!) Everyday isn't perfect but everyday there is SOMETHING to be happy about. I am sure life could be a million times better but I take what I can get... and I have a LOT!
and for all of those of you who aren't Anonymous... please take note. I can't remember more than the past month...but life has been great and I am VERY happy right now. Thanks for you concern!! :-)
Monday, December 01, 2008
Pride & Predjudice
I seriously did not know it was possible to love a movie this much. Everytime I watch it I fall even more in love with the character of Mr. Darcy and the story of The Bennetts. There are so many things about him that I absolutely love. To top it off, in the most recent version he is super hot. Maybe he isn't the conventional hot guy...but that is why he is so attractive. Mmm.... tall dark and handsome!

Yummy right?
I just love this story. I appreciate the fact that it is not love at first sight and that their relationship really isn't ideal until the very end. I appreciate the fact that he quietly admires her for so long and even after he professes his love for her she rejects him. Even when he could take the opportunity to let his pride get to him after he is rejected he still holds her at the most important thing in his heart. Everything he does after that point on is for her. He quietly holds onto that hope that she would be his one day.
I could talk about this forever but I think it is time to go to bed & dream of Mr. Darcy.

Yummy right?
I just love this story. I appreciate the fact that it is not love at first sight and that their relationship really isn't ideal until the very end. I appreciate the fact that he quietly admires her for so long and even after he professes his love for her she rejects him. Even when he could take the opportunity to let his pride get to him after he is rejected he still holds her at the most important thing in his heart. Everything he does after that point on is for her. He quietly holds onto that hope that she would be his one day.
I could talk about this forever but I think it is time to go to bed & dream of Mr. Darcy.
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