Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Good Lyrics
And I'm surrounded byI have always loved lyrics. I have never been one to know the coolest latest artists, but I know the words they sing. I have always loved lyrics. I think they so eloquently express feelings and sometimes it's just adequately. However, they have a way of conveying a feeling to you. I love it.
a million people i
still feel all alone
- lyrics from Home by Michael Buble
Quite often, (more than most anyone knows) I think in lyrics or lyrics will come to my mind during a certain situation. Tonight's situation? Movie night (Martian Child- my recommendation? 3 out of 5 stars). I met up with some people at a movie theater. I arrived late and after the movie the person I knew best was separating themselves with the group to talk to another person. They left fairly quickly. There was still quite a number left in the group but I felt very uncomfortable. Then the words came to my mind... "I'm surrounded by, a million people I still feel all alone...." so I went home.
I don't understand how that phenomena works. Why do we allow ourselves to connect to some people and yet when there are a million people around us, we feel if our lives are devoid of those who we choose, then we are alone? I don't know. I can't really embelish on this post because I still haven't figured it out myself so it would just be pointless rambling.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Admendment to the Tuesday November 20th post
So... my magic mirror is back up and running!! When I wake up every morning there is a note on my mirror how beautiful and amazing i am!! if I erase it, when i wake up there is another one!! I will be sure to post a picture soon!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Pay it Forward... or behind?
So... it is no coincidence that is is 10:47 and I am writing a blog. I have a final tomorrow night I haven't studied for and a 20 page paper I haven't even put the header on.
I am stressed. In the winter I often find it much more difficult to deal with adversity than if it were the summer. Something about the lack of sunlight and the air being bitter cold that makes it hard for my body to cope. So instead I procrastinate thinking maybe I won't have to do it. Procrastination only leads to more stress, and then REAL stress when I approach whatever it is unprepared.
I suck at life! HaHa. OK so not really, sometimes I work better under pressure. I would like to write about something I just heard on the news today. A woman going through a Starbucks drive through in Pennsylvania today decided to pay for the car drinks in the car behind her. She told the cashier the only stipulation was that they had to do something good for someone else. The result? Two hours of customers paying for the other person's drink. Now... I think about this, really everyone else didn't make much of a sacrifice, their drink was paid for and they just paid for someone else's. However, this is not my point. My point is my disappointment's in whoever broke the chain. The cashier was interviewed and she said she told everyone what was going on.
" The person in front of you has paid for your drink. The only thing they ask is that you do something good for someone else. You are under no obligation to pay for the person behind you. You can just take your free drink & leave."
I imagine the last person who elected not to continue this chain as a frugal millionaire- a scrooge if you will- that went home with his double mocha frapachapalapacino double iced grande mocha low fat with skim milk and laughed maliciously while throwing hundreds of dollars of bills in the air because he just saved six.
Or... maybe it was just a mean lawyer late to a case.
Either way, with the Christmas season upon us, I think we should all take a moment to pay it forward, or behind... whichever one is most suitable for you.
I am stressed. In the winter I often find it much more difficult to deal with adversity than if it were the summer. Something about the lack of sunlight and the air being bitter cold that makes it hard for my body to cope. So instead I procrastinate thinking maybe I won't have to do it. Procrastination only leads to more stress, and then REAL stress when I approach whatever it is unprepared.
I suck at life! HaHa. OK so not really, sometimes I work better under pressure. I would like to write about something I just heard on the news today. A woman going through a Starbucks drive through in Pennsylvania today decided to pay for the car drinks in the car behind her. She told the cashier the only stipulation was that they had to do something good for someone else. The result? Two hours of customers paying for the other person's drink. Now... I think about this, really everyone else didn't make much of a sacrifice, their drink was paid for and they just paid for someone else's. However, this is not my point. My point is my disappointment's in whoever broke the chain. The cashier was interviewed and she said she told everyone what was going on.
" The person in front of you has paid for your drink. The only thing they ask is that you do something good for someone else. You are under no obligation to pay for the person behind you. You can just take your free drink & leave."
I imagine the last person who elected not to continue this chain as a frugal millionaire- a scrooge if you will- that went home with his double mocha frapachapalapacino double iced grande mocha low fat with skim milk and laughed maliciously while throwing hundreds of dollars of bills in the air because he just saved six.
Or... maybe it was just a mean lawyer late to a case.
Either way, with the Christmas season upon us, I think we should all take a moment to pay it forward, or behind... whichever one is most suitable for you.
Monday, December 10, 2007
El Dentisto-- I am sure that isn't right
So... I am sitting here waiting to go to the dentist. I was on my way to work when I realized I had a dentist appointment soon. Maybe I will blog about the dentist later. Right now, however I would like to catch you up on the dance I was dreading going to.
It was actually extremely fun! I was pleasantly surprised! Jade & I took guys that were cousins so they decided to dress alike. White suits with black pin striped shirts & skater shoes.

Us while it is snowing on Temple Square. From L-R ( Wort, Jade, Me, Miles)
A few of my favorite Gamma Girls. L-R ( Kens, Jaelyn, Jade, Me, Brooke)

After party. Decorate Gingerbread men like your date.
L-R (Me, Miles, Jade, Wort)

The finished product.
It was actually extremely fun! I was pleasantly surprised! Jade & I took guys that were cousins so they decided to dress alike. White suits with black pin striped shirts & skater shoes.

Us while it is snowing on Temple Square. From L-R ( Wort, Jade, Me, Miles)

A few of my favorite Gamma Girls. L-R ( Kens, Jaelyn, Jade, Me, Brooke)

After party. Decorate Gingerbread men like your date.
L-R (Me, Miles, Jade, Wort)

The finished product.
You just aren't white
So, I basically love my life. I wish I had a book that had all of the funny quotes and events that happen throughout my life.
Most of yesterday was spent with Jade. I slept in until noon, she came to church with me, and then we went to her grandparent's house for dinner. Her grandpa was showing me around the basement. He really has quite the collection of memories down there. Most things had to do with something he accomplished, or something he had done, but on the wall adjacent to the maps of lake powell, we pictures of his grandchildren. Most were broken down by families, but there were a few of the grandchildren all together. They were really cute. The following is a true reenactment.
Me: Jade! You & your cousins are really cute!
Jade: (laughter) Thanks
Me: I wish me and my cousins were that cute.
Jade: you are, you just aren't white
HaHaHa! Who says something like that? I really have no clue. She didn't say it to be mean, she just said it. I thought it was hilarious. I think she felt slightly embarrassed after that because I was giving her grief about it. Another funny thing happened just about an hour afterwards as we are leaving her grandparents. She is playing this CD and it's really soft and weird but cool and the singer is like dragging out all her words and it's really soft and Jade repeated some of the lyrics. She was like don't you think it's pretty? " I will wait for you, just hurry" (or something to that effect) and I was like oh...that's cool... what language is that. Her reply?
hahaha. Obviously I wasn't REALLY paying attention. But hey! Can you blame me? Jade listens to music in all sorts of languages...
Most of yesterday was spent with Jade. I slept in until noon, she came to church with me, and then we went to her grandparent's house for dinner. Her grandpa was showing me around the basement. He really has quite the collection of memories down there. Most things had to do with something he accomplished, or something he had done, but on the wall adjacent to the maps of lake powell, we pictures of his grandchildren. Most were broken down by families, but there were a few of the grandchildren all together. They were really cute. The following is a true reenactment.
Me: Jade! You & your cousins are really cute!
Jade: (laughter) Thanks
Me: I wish me and my cousins were that cute.
Jade: you are, you just aren't white
HaHaHa! Who says something like that? I really have no clue. She didn't say it to be mean, she just said it. I thought it was hilarious. I think she felt slightly embarrassed after that because I was giving her grief about it. Another funny thing happened just about an hour afterwards as we are leaving her grandparents. She is playing this CD and it's really soft and weird but cool and the singer is like dragging out all her words and it's really soft and Jade repeated some of the lyrics. She was like don't you think it's pretty? " I will wait for you, just hurry" (or something to that effect) and I was like oh...that's cool... what language is that. Her reply?
hahaha. Obviously I wasn't REALLY paying attention. But hey! Can you blame me? Jade listens to music in all sorts of languages...
Well folks,
A good humored fun has turned out wrong. No mal intent was meant by posting the link to my dancing parents but after talking to my dad I have decided to remove it. I would not intentionally hurt someone's feelings or try to make them feel uncomfortable... I am sorry!
A good humored fun has turned out wrong. No mal intent was meant by posting the link to my dancing parents but after talking to my dad I have decided to remove it. I would not intentionally hurt someone's feelings or try to make them feel uncomfortable... I am sorry!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
OK... so I feel as if I post all the time but my highest month was June with 7 posts. I get annoyed when the rest of you don't blog so I guess I should return the favor. Not too much is going on. Well, actually TONS has happened but I guess I lack motivation to discuss it.
Let's see, in the past seven days, I have been sung Happy Birthday in two different restaurants, been to a Jazz Game, met (again) President Monson & Elizabeth Smart ( work christmas party) attended a Kurt Bestor concert, gone down to Provo to see the midnight showing of Sigur Ros' movie,

learned how to snowboard,made a pizza in the shape of Texas,

went sledding for the first time (accompanied by my first wearing of SNOW PANTS),
watched 4 movies, attended the Christmas devotional at the conference center, been to bed at 3 or later for 5 of the 7 days, and basically not been home. How I find time to study and work, and go to school in between all that is beyond me. This next week HAS to be devoid of social interaction with the exception of Friday. It is my sorority's Winter Formal & I already have a date (GAG ME). I really didn't want to go but I was pressured into it. It should be nice I suppose. The kid I am taking is pretty cool though our interaction has been sparse and not riveting, this should be interesting.... hahaha...but it is my friend's cousin so... yeah.
Let's see, in the past seven days, I have been sung Happy Birthday in two different restaurants, been to a Jazz Game, met (again) President Monson & Elizabeth Smart ( work christmas party) attended a Kurt Bestor concert, gone down to Provo to see the midnight showing of Sigur Ros' movie,

learned how to snowboard,made a pizza in the shape of Texas,

went sledding for the first time (accompanied by my first wearing of SNOW PANTS),

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