1. My first crush was Trey, a boy who could DRESS HIMSELF when I was four years old. Or was I three?
2. I love when guys wrap their arms around you and you can smell their deodorent. I know I am wierd but I love it!
3. I love when guys call me by a nickname/pet name they have given me. I must have a million. It makes me so ridiculously happy and feel special.
4. I can't stand the smell of movie popcorn.
5. When I was two I was climbing a highchair and fell and busted my chin open. I still have a scar.
6. My mom and I didn't talk until I was 19 and now she is one of my best friends. Shes one of the coolest people I know.
7. I was once engaged to one of the most amazing persons I have ever met ( I called it off)
8. I have four dots on my face that form a slanted square if you connect the dots (update... I hate a lot more now)
9. I have every report card I was ever given. Starting from my Montessori school when I was four
10. My sixteenth birthday present was a two and a half week trip to Italy
11. I love going to the beach, but I hate getting in the water.
12. I was the Maid of Honor at a wedding when I was only 15! ( I couldn't even drive yet!!!)
14. I love the feeling of being at a baseball game, eating pizza, drinking Dr.Pepper and screaming and chanting SOO ridiculously loud for the Astros!!!
15. even though i think education is important, the only thing i want to do when i grow up is raise my kids and be there for my husband.
16. i haven't felt loved in a really long time
17. i actually DO love my job
18. I HATE to be woken up while sleeping. I am ALWAYS grouchy if I was not planning on waking up.
19. When I answer the phone my voice gets 12 octaves higher- I don't know why!!! My voice is high to begin with though.
20. People always tell me I am way too happy
21. I have never asked anything from a guy other than that he care about me, but I always get treated like crap.
22. I love to read & I love school
23. Older guys are more attractive but usually have more drama
24. I am a sucker for chips and salsa.
25. I LOVE asparagus.
26. I can't stand when people use more than one paper towel at a time.
New Additions
28. I am such a social butterfly but I would rather sit at home by myself
29. I don't trust guys with my future so I don't think I will ever get married
30. I feel like I am doing nothing with my life, like my life is meaningless and I am contemplating serving a mission.
31. As much as I love my life, I also wish quite frequently that it were over. I am done. I am ready to go "HOME".