Well, finals are FINALLY over. Sorry I hardly ever post b/c I don't know my password. It is saved onto my laptop and sometimes I forget how to get to the page where it is saved. But... alas...I am posting again. Well.......the past few weeks have been full of ups and downs. As I previously said finals are over. I know I have one B so far but I am still waiting on grades from my other classes to post. In the meantime I have been up to some small adventures. My friend Ben took me to a Bee's game a few weeks back in leiu of the Astros.....it doesn't really seem like it's even but he did what he could. It really was a ton of fun just to go and watch a baseball game.

I do miss my Astros though! Speaking of Houston sports FREAK! I am soooooooooo annoyed and sad that the friggin JAZZ beat the ROCKETS and at home no less!!!! I mean I am not a huge basketball fan but I HATE THE JAZZ and moving here didn't make me like them anymore. UGH! ok...but now that that is off my chest...for Family Home Evening my ward went hiking up
Ensign Peak.

Benjamin and I.

Me and Randy.

You can actually see the stadium, the Huntsman center, Campus and my apartment if you squint and know what you are looking for! The stadium is the thing in the center of the picture and there are two brick tall things a little bit apart from each other. I wish I could circle it. I bet a dollar no one can really see it. haha. but it's there!
You can also see other views from Ensign Peak
HERE.And then just because I really liked this picture this is from a place right below Ensign Peak.

I am telling you...Utah is BEAUTIFUL!!
What else what else. Oh yes...my friend Randy took me to the shooting range about two weeks back. Just to prove it...

Yeah... I am a decent shot. I could stand a lot more practice but I could still get ya even without it.....so don't make me mad!!! ; )
OK let's see what else. I got flowers at work the other day. They were so darling!
Also, Scott & Julie Christiansen had a TEXAS reunion for all the League City people that now live in Utah. There are a lot more than you would think in this immediate area although a lot didn't show up because of the time of year. School and such.... but here is a picture of Jessie Storm ( well she hasn't been a Storm for about 10 years but still....) and Sarah Trahan (same story, I don't know thier married names) and Angela Arnett -Stone. Little Lindsay Christiansen is sitting in Jessie's lap and that is Sarah's son. Cute huh!?!?!

And that would be me and Emmy. I love that girl!!!